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  • Newspaper Article: Some of those chosen for service
  • Newspaper Article: Some of those chosen for service

A number of the 30 girls chosen to go to the Middle East to help in the New Zealand Forces' Club and similar institutions are from Wellington, the Wairarapa, The Manawatu and Hawke's Bay. Named from Palmerston North are Miss M. Cooksley and Miss M. Gulliver.


Object type
Series 12
C. E. Warburton Papers
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Some Of Those Chosen
For Service

Among the 30 girls of the Women’s
War Service Auxiliary chosen to go to
the Middle East to help in the New
Zealand Forces’ Club and similar in-
stitutions are a number from Welling-
ton, the Wairarapa, the Manawatu and
Hawke’s Bay. They include the fol-
Miss G. Clarke is a shorthand-
typist employed by an oil company,
Messrs. C. C. Wakefield and Co., Wel-
lington. She is a Wellington girl, and
takes an active interest in many branches
of patriotic work, being a member of the
Spinster’s Club and a helper at the Sea-
men's Mission. She is also interested in
Y.M.C.A. work and has assisted in or-
ganizing patriotic entertainments at the
Girls’ Friendly Hostel. A member of the
St. John Ambulance Association since
the outbreak of war, she is a fully quail-
fied V.A.D., and recently assisted at the
Soldiers’ Clearing Station. She is also
a member of the Blood Transfusion Ser-
vice. Her other activities include vari-
ous sports.
Miss Meryll Neely, Wellington, was
for four years secretary to the general
manager of the New Zealand Centennial
Exhibition and is now secretary to a
manufacturing concern in Wellington.
She was born in Northern Ireland, but
has lived in New Zealand for the past
14 years. Her people live in Cambridge,
Waikato. She takes a keen interest in
sport and is a platoon leader in the
W.W.S.A., helping with voluntary
clerical and canteen work.
Miss Jean Gilmer, Wellington, has
been a member of the Red Cross Wo-
men's Transport Service, which is affili-
ated to the W.W.S.A., since its inaugu-
ration. She is a member of the Junior
Repertory Concert Party which gives
patriotic entertainments, and is a keen
golfer and tennis player. She is a
stenographer in the secretary’s office at
the Commercial Travellers’ Association.
Miss Gilmer is an old girl of Marsden
Girls’ School, and is a daughter of Mrs.
Knox Gilmer.
Miss M. Cooksley, Palmerston North,
is assistant secretary of the Palmerston
North district committee of the W.W.S.S. [should be W.W.S.A.?]
and is engaged in clerical work in a local
hotel. She is an active member of the
Business Girls’ Club. Her parents are
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooksley, Palmerston
Miss M. Gulliver, Palmerston North,
is a keen member of the Manawatu
Tramping Club. She is employed in the
toy department of Collinson and Cunning-
hame's. Miss Gulliver has taken an
active part in the W.W.S.A. since its in-
auguration in Palmerston North. She is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gulli-
ver, Hawera.
Miss Y. Hunter is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Hunter, Lower Hutt. She
has taken a keen interest in the W.W.S.A.
since its inauguration, and is the leader
of a signalling group. She is interested
in sport and social activities, and takes
part in various patriotic works. She was
educated at Hutt Valley High School, and
is engaged in clerical work for Metters
(N.Z.), Ltd., Lower Hutt.
Miss Margaret Webster, Wellington, is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Web-
ster, Timaru. She was educated at
Craighead Diocesan School, and at Can-
terbury, University College. She is em-
ployed at the General Assembly Library,
Wellington, and her interests include
music. She is a keen member of the
canteen section of the W.W.S.A.
Miss Inglis, Wellington, is the only
daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Inglis, Otago University, Dunedin.
She is a fully-qualified V.A.D., and served
at the Soldiers’ Clearing Station recent-
ly. She is employed as a stenographer
in the office of the leader of the Legis-
lative Council.