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Page 2: Palmerston North election results for Mayor
Page 1: Palmerston North election results for Mayor

Palmerston North election results for Mayor

Voting paper, with full results handwritten in, for the 1905 mayoral election in Palmerston North, signed by M H Collingwood, Returning Officer. Also the official declaration of the results (carbon copy). the race was between Maurice Cohen and Henry Haydon. Cohen was elected Mayor and held office until 1907.

Palmerston North
Page 1: Palmerston North election results for Councillors
Page 2: Palmerston North election results for Councillors

Palmerston North election results for Councillors

Voting paper, with full results handwritten in, for the 1905 election of Councillors in Palmerston North, signed by M H Collingwood, Returning Officer. Also the official declaration of the results (carbon copy). Standing for the election were Solomon Abrahams, Edward Armstrong, Christian Clausen, Robert Dewar, Charles Dunk, Robert Edwards, Meldrum Eliott, Richard Essex, Allen France, Edward Holben, Charles Loughnan, Duncan Matheson, Duncan Sinclair, William Smith, William Stubbs and Frederick Tasker

Palmerston North