Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

This punt was in operation from 1895 until 1909. It was the second punt to operate on the Manawatu River at Ashhurst, the first being in use from 1871 until the construction of the first bridge in 1886. The bridge (in the background) was damaged in the great Easter flood of 1895 and a new bridge was not constructed until 1909.


Momo rauemi
Public Photograph Collection Ash 7
circa 1900
Tautuhi matihiko
E puritia ana ki

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Punting flax down the Manawatu River to Foxton
Ashhurst Bridge after flood damage
William and Fanny Whitten's Wedding, Ashhurst
Teressa Childs on horseback, Ashhurst
Crossing the Manwatu River by punt at Ashhurst
Back Issues:  Ferry life and its many challenges on the Manawatū River
The "Halcione"
Boating in the Turitea Stream
Three-masted coastal steamer in Manawatu River
Flax mills on the riverbank at Foxton
Steam ship "Indrabarah" ashore near mouth of Rangitikei River
Coastal Steamer "Queen of the South" at Foxton

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
water transport,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Punting flax down the Manawatu River to Foxton
Ashhurst Bridge after flood damage
William and Fanny Whitten's Wedding, Ashhurst
Teressa Childs on horseback, Ashhurst
Crossing the Manwatu River by punt at Ashhurst
Back Issues:  Ferry life and its many challenges on the Manawatū River
The "Halcione"
Boating in the Turitea Stream
Three-masted coastal steamer in Manawatu River
Flax mills on the riverbank at Foxton
Steam ship "Indrabarah" ashore near mouth of Rangitikei River
Coastal Steamer "Queen of the South" at Foxton