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A Ball, to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, was held in the Astoria Ballroom, George Street, Palmerston North, 5 June 1953. A dance programme, carried by women attending, listed the number of dances held over the evening. Men put their names alongside the dance they wished to partner.


Object type
Multi-Page Document
June 1953
Digitisation ID
Held In
Research File

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Admission ticket to Grand Wireless Concert
Invitation to Assembly Ball
Women's War Service Auxiliary arm band
National War Savings leaflet
Emergency Precautions Scheme arm band
'Food for Britain' leaflet
Signature and seal of Lord Melbourne
Envelope adddressed and signed by the Duke of Wellington
'What to do in an Air-Raid or Bombardment' leaflet
Invitation to 'Old Identities' of Palmerston North, to celebrate the acheiving of city status
N Z Dental Association dinner menu
Receipt for deposit of passage money per the sailing ship, 'Philosopher'