Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

[A teacher stands at the back of his classroom while a student stands and speaks. The rest of the class looks on.]


Momo rauemi
Manawatū Evening Standard Negative Collection
June 1963
Momo rauemi
B&W negative

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

School pupils in museum school room, Palmerston North
"Enjoying Lesson in the Sun"
Last School Opening by Chairman" [School ribbons]
"English Teachers For Local Schools"
Ashhurst School, Staff Photograph, 1971
"Final Assembly at Intermediate"
"Farewell to Popular Teacher"
"Farewell to Popular Teacher"
Evelyn Rawlins Memorial Concert programme
Staff, Palmerston North Boys High School
Palmerston North Boys High School - Masters
Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School Council

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

School pupils in museum school room, Palmerston North
"Enjoying Lesson in the Sun"
Last School Opening by Chairman" [School ribbons]
"English Teachers For Local Schools"
Ashhurst School, Staff Photograph, 1971
"Final Assembly at Intermediate"
"Farewell to Popular Teacher"
"Farewell to Popular Teacher"
Evelyn Rawlins Memorial Concert programme
Staff, Palmerston North Boys High School
Palmerston North Boys High School - Masters
Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School Council