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This photograph shows a group of nurse aids employed at Rostrata Maternity Home. Zena Bourke can be seen first on the left (standing) and the matron is fifth from left (standing). The building was situated on the corner of Ruahine and Ferguson Streets and owned by E B Watson who ran it as a private maternity hospital for many years. Mrs E Dujany later held the lease until 1949. The Palmerston North Hospital Board took over maternity services until 1962, when Rostrata was closed due to the Palmerston North Hospital adding 40 more beds to its Maternity section. In the 13 years that the board had Rostrata, there were 6119 patients and 5230 births. The 1973 owner converted the building into flats from the original two houses joined by annexes on the one acre section. The old trees, including a large Australian red gum remained.


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Digital Photograph Collection, with no hardcopy held
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IMCA Digital Archive

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Joyce Una Baker - Rostrata Maternity Home
Rostrata Maternity Home


black and white,
group portrait,
maternity hospital,
nurse aids,
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Rostrata Maternity Home
Rostrata Maternity Home
Nurses - Rostrata Maternity Home
Baby - Rostrata Maternity Home
Nurses - Rostrata Maternity Home
Joyce Una Baker - Rostrata Maternity Home
Joyce Una Baker - Rostrata Maternity Home
Joyce Una Baker - Rostrata Maternity Home
Rostrata Maternity Home