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A photographic series prepared by the Prime Minister’s Department in 1947 to attract British migrants. The Evans family of 5 Mansford Place, Palmerston North were selected to show the living conditions of a typical New Zealand family. Betty Evans greets a doctor making a home visit, a service necessary before car ownership was common. From 1941 a fee of 7s 6d was paid by the government for treatment by G.P.s though doctors were able to charge an additional fee.


Object type
CA: Evans Collection A175/67/1
Digitisation ID
Held In
Research File

Related items

Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans and baby at the Palmerston North Plunket Rooms
Evans Family Collection: Nurses at Palmerston North Hospital
Evans Family Collection: Nurses at Palmerston North Hospital
Evans Family Collection: Palmerston North Hospital physiotherapy pool
Evans Family Collection: John and Michael Evans off to school, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans in the kitchen, 5 Mansford Place
Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Tony Evans Collection: Crew and residents of Savage Crescent gathered for filming of Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Evans family eating dinner, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans Family, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans family playing cricket, 5 Mansford Street


evans collection,
general practitioner,
medical services,
savage crescent,
state housing,
thematic collections,
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Related items

Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans and baby at the Palmerston North Plunket Rooms
Evans Family Collection: Nurses at Palmerston North Hospital
Evans Family Collection: Nurses at Palmerston North Hospital
Evans Family Collection: Palmerston North Hospital physiotherapy pool
Evans Family Collection: John and Michael Evans off to school, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans in the kitchen, 5 Mansford Place
Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Tony Evans Collection: Crew and residents of Savage Crescent gathered for filming of Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Evans family eating dinner, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans Family, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans family playing cricket, 5 Mansford Street