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A photographic series prepared by the Prime Minister’s Department in 1947 to attract British migrants. The Evans family of 5 Mansford Place, Palmerston North were selected to show the living conditions of a typical New Zealand family. Jack and Betty Evans, at the corner of Mansford Place and Savage Crescent approach their home. The Savage Crescent state housing area was designed on the principles of the garden suburb. The low nib walls marking the street frontages combined with trees planted on the verges were intended to create the appearance of a large community garden. After seventy years parts of the inner streets retain this aspect. the photograph was taken from 5 Mansford Place. Across the road (at right) can be seen the home of Jack Semple (son of Bob Semple) and the home of the Hollis family at a later date(at left).


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Evans Family Collection: John and Michael Evans off to school, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans in the kitchen, 5 Mansford Place
Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Tony Evans Collection: Crew and residents of Savage Crescent gathered for filming of Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Evans family eating dinner, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Visit by Doctor to the Evans home, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans Family, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans family playing cricket, 5 Mansford Street
Tony Evans Collection: Talking to residents of Savage Crescent, for Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans vacuuming the living room, 5 Mansford Place
Tony Evans Collection: Evans family, 5 Mansford Place
Tony Evans Collection: Jack, Betty and Aaron Evans and Rita Collins, 5 Mansford Place


evans collection,
savage crescent,
state housing,
thematic collections,
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Evans Family Collection: John and Michael Evans off to school, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans in the kitchen, 5 Mansford Place
Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Tony Evans Collection: Crew and residents of Savage Crescent gathered for filming of Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Evans family eating dinner, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Visit by Doctor to the Evans home, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans Family, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans family playing cricket, 5 Mansford Street
Tony Evans Collection: Talking to residents of Savage Crescent, for Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans vacuuming the living room, 5 Mansford Place
Tony Evans Collection: Evans family, 5 Mansford Place
Tony Evans Collection: Jack, Betty and Aaron Evans and Rita Collins, 5 Mansford Place