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A photographic series prepared by the Prime Minister’s Department in 1947 to attract British migrants. The Evans family of 5 Mansford Place, Palmerston North were selected to show the living conditions of a typical New Zealand family. Betty Evans, an early tenant of the Savage Crescent state suburb, Palmerston North, in her modern kitchen. State house kitchens were functional with floor to ceiling cupboards, terrazzo bench tops and electric stoves such as the Atlas pictured here. The national state housing scheme was a huge stimulus to New Zealand manufacturers and between 1931 and 1957 200,000 Atlas stoves were produced by Christchurch based firm Scott Brothers.


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CA: Evans Collection A175/67/1
Digitisation ID
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Research File

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Evans Family Collection: Evans family eating dinner, 5 Mansford Place
"Cluster Houses" on Church Street - Kitchen
Evans Family Collection: John and Michael Evans off to school, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Tony Evans Collection: Crew and residents of Savage Crescent gathered for filming of Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Visit by Doctor to the Evans home, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans Family, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans family playing cricket, 5 Mansford Street
Tony Evans Collection: Talking to residents of Savage Crescent, for Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans vacuuming the living room, 5 Mansford Place
Tony Evans Collection: Evans family, 5 Mansford Place


evans collection,
savage crescent,
state housing,
thematic collections,
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Evans Family Collection: Evans family eating dinner, 5 Mansford Place
"Cluster Houses" on Church Street - Kitchen
Evans Family Collection: John and Michael Evans off to school, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Savage Crescent Conservation Area, a garden suburb
Tony Evans Collection: Crew and residents of Savage Crescent gathered for filming of Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Visit by Doctor to the Evans home, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans Family, 5 Mansford Place
Evans Family Collection: Evans family playing cricket, 5 Mansford Street
Tony Evans Collection: Talking to residents of Savage Crescent, for Ediface television programme
Evans Family Collection: Mrs Evans vacuuming the living room, 5 Mansford Place
Tony Evans Collection: Evans family, 5 Mansford Place