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Memo dated 29 May 1942 outlining the conditions of serivce for the Women’s Royal Naval Service (New Zealand).


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C. E. Warburton Papers
May 29, 1942
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Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 2
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 5
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 4
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 3
American Sailors in C M Ross Co Ltd tearooms
H.M.S Ramilles, Wellington Harbour
New Zealand Post Office telegram
Correspondence: Womens War Service Auxiliary to the Town Clerk, Palmerston North
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 54
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 69
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 72
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 32


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Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 2
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 5
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 4
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 3
American Sailors in C M Ross Co Ltd tearooms
H.M.S Ramilles, Wellington Harbour
New Zealand Post Office telegram
Correspondence: Womens War Service Auxiliary to the Town Clerk, Palmerston North
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 54
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 69
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 72
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 32

29th May, 1942.




1.- The force is to be called the Women’s Royal Naval Service (New Zealand), (short title, W.R.N.S.(N.Z.) ).


2.- The general administration of the W.R.N.S. (N.Z.) will be vested in the Naval Board, who will be repons-
ible for the entry, discharge, advantage and disrating of all personnel.


3.- Particulars of Birth and Parentage. All personnel are required to be British subjects and the daughters
of British subjects.

4.- Engagement. Personnel are required to serve for the period of the present emergency.

5.- Obligations Under Engagement. Personnel engage under the following conditions:-
(a) to serve in any part of New Zealand;
(b) to perform any work required of them;
(c) to obey all orders given by proper authority.

6.- Qualifications. The qualifications for entry shall be according to the nature of the employment. The
general standard of educational qualifications required is not less than Proficiency, but for certain types of work
the possession of a Proficiency standard of education will not be insisted upon.

7.- Age. All personnel aged 18 years or over are eligible for entry. There is no maximum age limit
prescribed, but medical requirements and the duties on which personnel will be engaged will be taken into considera-
tion when entering applicants.

8.- Conjugal Status. Personnel may be employed irrespective of their conjugal status.

9.- Rating on Entry. All personnel will be entered as Probationary [Wrens?] and will be required to undergo a
probationary period of three months on completion of which they will be advanced to [Wrens?].

10.- Advancement. Advancement will be on merit, and under such conditions as may be promulgated by the Naval
Board from time to time.

11.- Service Certificates. Service Certificates and Conduct History Sheets are to be prepared for all
personnel on entry. Notations on Service Certificates are to be made in terms of Admiralty Fleet Order 576/40 as


12.- Personnel guilty of any breach of their engagement, or of any of the rules, regulations, or instructions
prescribed may be awarded any of the following punishments:-

(a) Admonition.
(b) Restriction of privileges.
(c) Extra duties.
(d) Deduction from pay.
(e) Disrating.



13.- Personnel may be discharged for any of the following reasons:-
(a) Unsatisfactory conduct.
(b) Medical unfitness.
(c) If it appears unlikely that they will become efficient in the execution of their
(d) If their services are no longer required.

14.- Desertion. All pay, allowances, decorations and any other benefits or rights which may have been granted
to a rating on respect of her service in the Women’s Royal Naval Service (New Zealand), or for which she might have
become eligible, shall be forfeited to the Crown by desertion, unless the Naval Board direct otherwise.


15.- Rates. The following shall be the daily rates of pay of personnel. Payment is made for every day,
including Saturdays, and Sundays, irrespective of whether worked.

Per diem.
Probationary Wren .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
5s. 0d.
4s. 6d.
Wren .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
5s. 6d.
5s. 0d.
Leading Wren .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
5s. 9d.
5s. 3d.
Petty Officer Wren .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
6s. 0d.
5s. 6d.
Chief Petty Officer Wren .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
7s. 0d.
6s. 6d.

16.- Allowances and Extra Pay. No allowances or extra pay are payable for additional duties or excess hours
17.- Marriage, Children’s or Dependants’ Allowances are not payable.

18.- Allotments. Personnel may declare allotments on a voluntary basis subject to the conditions laid down in
the New Zealand Naval Regulations, 1939.

19.- Taxation. The pay and allowances, including the value of victualling, are not subject to Social Security
Charge, National Security Tax, or Income Tax.


20.- Initial Outfit. Personnel will receive an initial issue of uniform as a charge to public funds on the
following scale:-
Jackets .. .. .. .. .. .. 2
Skirts .. .. .. .. .. .. 2
Shirts .. .. .. .. .. .. 3
Hats .. .. .. .. .. .. 2
Raincoat (blue).. .. .. 1
Overcoat .. .. .. .. .. 1
Overalls .. .. .. .. .. .. 2
Shoes, black .. .. .. .. ..2 pairs
Stockings, lisle .. .. .. 3 pairs.
Gloves, knitted, woollen, blue .. 1 pair.
Gloves, leather .. .. .. 1 pair.
Tie, black .. .. .. .. .. 1
Badge, cap .. .. .. .. .. 2
Brush, hard .. .. .. .. .. 1
Badges, as requisite .. .. .. .. ..
Buttons, as requisite.


21.- The following items are to be supplied by personnel:-
Cardigan, blue .. .. 1.
Suitcase .. .. .. .. 1.

22.- Badges and Buttons. Distinguishing badges on the lines of those applicable to Naval rating of comparable
branch are to be issued. The cap badge is to be the same as the naval
cap badge for corresponding ratings in the Royal New Zealand Navy.

23.- Kit Upkeep Allowance. An allowance at the rate of £10.0.0. per annum payable quarterly in advance may be
paid for the maintenance of uniform clothing to the required standard.

24.- Compensation for Loss of or Damage to Effects. The rules laid down in the New Zealand Naval Regulations,
1939, Article 238, governing the award of compensation to Naval personnel for loss of essential uniform and equipment
as a result of a casualty of the service are to be regarded as applicable in general to personnel of the H.R.N.S.(N.Z.)

25.- In addition to the articles included in the regulation uniform kit issued on entry, compensation will be
paid for underclothing and necessaries at prices approved by the Naval Board from time to time.

26.- The attention of personnel is to be drawn to Article 238, clause 2(c), of the New Zealand Naval Regulations,
1939, which preclude payment of compensation in respect of civilian clothes, and it is to be clearly understood that
such clothing is carried entirely at the owner’s risk except as provided for in paragraph 25.

27.- Laundry. The cost of laundering clothing of personnel is not a charge to public funds, except in the case
of smocks issued to personnel in messes, etc.

28.- Wearing of Uniform. Uniform is to be worn on all occasions; that is, whether on duty, on leave, or at
home. Civilian clothes may, however, be worn for recreational purposes when on leave and for the purpose of sports
and athletic exercises for which a special dress is necessary. No articles of uniform may be worn with civilian dress.

29.- The use of any unauthorised deviation from the authorised patterns of dress or badges is forbidden.
Personnel will be liable to make good at their own expense any restoration to pattern or replacement of any garment
issued to her which is subsequently improperly altered. Trinkets, etc., (other than wedding or small stone engagement
rings) are not to be worn in such a manner as to be seen. Special working dress is not to be worn outside the place
of duty.
30.- The approved lengths of skirts is 14½ inches from the ground. A tolerance of ½ inch each way is permitted,
and issues of stock sizes should normally result in skirts reaching between 14 and 15 inches from the ground. In
the event of alterations being necessary, issuing authorities are to ensure that the result in length is within the
approved limits.

31.- Hair. Hair is to be worn so that there is not less than half an inch between the lowest part of the
coiffure and the coat collar.

32.- Return of Clothing. On discharge from the Service, all items of clothing, except shoes and stockings,
issued as a charge to public funds are to be returned to store and are to be dealt with in accordance with the pro-
visions of Navy Orders 433 and 479. Shoes and stockings may be retained on discharge, provided the woman has been in
the W.R.N.S. (N.Z.) service for at least one month.

33.- Clothing Gratuity. On discharge from the Service, personnel may be granted a clothing gratuity of
£7.10.0 which is intended for the purchase of civilian clothing. The assessed value of all items of uniform clothing
which have not been returned are to be deducted from the Clothing Gratuity payable on discharge. The price of
articles for this purpose will be promulgated in Navy Orders. The Clothing Gratuity is not payable unless personnel
have served continuously for twelve months including probationary period.

34.- Normally, accommodation will not be provided and personnel are required to make their own arrangements.
No extra allowance on this account is paid.
Hostels now arranged. Wellington & later Auckland.


35.- Where accommodation is provided by the Navy Department, a deduction from the pay of personnel is to be
made at the rate of 7/6d. per week, or 1/1d. per diem for broken periods.
36.- Where victualling is provided, personnel may be victualled under the same conditions as Naval personnel.
37.- Victualling Allowance. Where victualling is not provided by the Navy Department, an allowance at the rate
of 10d. for every meal (maximum 2/6d. per diem), not provided may be paid to each rating. This allowance is not
payable where victualling is provided, and personnel can partake of the meal (e.g., when they are on duty), but prefer
not to for any personal reason.
38.- Hours of duty are to be arranged so that personnel work, so far as practicable, approximately 44 hours per
week. If it is considered necessary, however, the hours of work may be extended and no additional remuneration is
payable. Work may be required on any day of the week.
39.- Grades of Accommodation. The following shall be the grades of accommodation for all personnel when
travelling on duty in New Zealand by rail and sea:-
By rail .. .. .. 2nd class.
By sea .. .. .. 1st class.
40.- Subsistence: Subsistence allowance is not payable to personnel, as accommodation is not normally provided,
but the meal allowance of 2/6d. per diem, or 10d. per meal, referred to in paragraph 37 will be continued during the
period of travelling. Expenses outside the scope of subsistence allowance payable to Naval personnel will be met
from public funds under the conditions applicable to Naval personnel.
41.- Free Railway Warrants. Personnel proceeding on long leave may be granted one free return railway warrant
per annum to their home or place of enlistment under the general conditions set out in Navy Order 368.
42.- Travelling Concessions. The travelling concessions referred to in Navy Order 452 are applicable to personnel
under conditions laid down in that Navy Order.

43.- Visits of Relatives. Free travelling warrants may be issued to the next-of-kin of personnel who are
dangerously ill in hospital either during their service or while retained in hospital after discharge. The warrants
are to be issued under the general conditions laid down in the New Zealand Naval Regulations, 1939, Article 292.
44.- Annual Leave. Subject to the exigencies of the Service, twenty-one days’ leave per annum on full pay may be
granted. For broken periods leave may be granted at the rate of five days for every complete three months or 1 day
for every complete month.
45.- Travelling Leave. When personnel are proceeding on long leave and are travelling to visit the homes of
their parents or next-of-kin, the time occupied by the journey, if within the Dominion and occupying more than twelve
hours, may be allowed as travelling leave in addition to the long leave granted. The same rule applies on returning
from such leave.
46.- Leave Year. The leave year for personnel is to commence on 1st April of each year. Leave may not be
deferred from year to year.
47.- Sick Leave. All leave other than week-end leave, or periods not exceeding forty-eight hours shall be
counted as long leave, with the exception of sick leave. Sick leave shall not be reckoned or included in the amount
of recreational leave prescribed. Sick leave on full pay may be granted for two months. Where sick leave is
required in excess of two months, applications is to be made to the Naval Board.


48.- Medical Standard on Entry. Candidates must be of good general physique and free from evidence of any
disease of heart, lungs, kidneys and nervous system and must possess the free use of all limbs. An X-ray


examination of the chest will be required in all cases. Defective vision remedied by glasses will be accepted.

49.- Medical and dental treatment are to be provided for personnel as a charge to public funds under the
conditions applicable to Naval personnel.

50.- Personnel will require to be medically fit prior to entry. If necessary, any remedial treatment is to
be carried out at their own expense.

51.- The standard of dental fitness and procedure for the dental examination of candidates for entry are to
be as prescribed in Navy Order 414.

52.- Medical History Documents. Medical history documents are to be instituted for all personnel on the
lines laid down for Naval personnel.

53.- Forms in use for Naval personnel are to be utilised, but those appropriated for personnel of the
Women’s Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) are to be distinguished by the insertion of the letters “W.R.N.S.(N.Z.)”
at the head of the forms by means of a rubber stamp.

54.- Medical Examination on Discharge. All personnel are to be examined on discharge in accordance with
the provisions of Article 391 of the New Zealand Naval Regulations, 1939.

55.- Invaliding. Personnel who are considered to be medically unfit for further service are to be brought
forward for survey and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the New Zealand Squadron Order Book,
Article, 219.

56.- Funeral Expenses. Funeral expenses of personnel may be met from public funds under the conditions
prescribed for Naval personnel as laid down in Navy Order 376.

57.- Pensions. Personnel are part of the Armed Forces, and as such will be entitled to pensions under the conditions applicable to Naval personnel.

58.- Discipline. Personnel are members of the Royal New Zealand Navy and as such are liable to disciplinary
action as may be prescribed by the Naval Board.

59.- Duties. Personnel will be employed in the following capacities. This list is not exhaustive, and will
be added to as circumstances require:-

Shorthand typists; telegraphists; teleprinter operators; clerks; pay and general
duties; stewards; cooks; motor drivers; dental attendants; messengers.
cooking; radio telephoning; [] for special work.