Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

This image was taken (but not used) for a story that ran in The Manawatu Evening Standard on 01 August 1981, depicting the march in protest of the rugby match played between the South African Springboks and the Manawatū provincial team. The march was a coalition of organised responses from representatives and marshals of COST (Citizens Opposed to the Springbok Tour), MAST (Manawatū Against the Springbok Tour) and HART (Halt All Racist Tours) and attracted participants from within the city but also from Wellington and Auckland. HART founder Trevor Richards appears second from right.


Momo rauemi
Manawatū Evening Standard Negative Collection
August 1, 1981
Momo rauemi
B&W negative

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
1981 springbok tour,
council administrative building,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.
Anti-Apartheid and anti-Tour protest vanguard on match day.