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From the cover:

"Palmerston North Public Relations Organisation (Incorporated) presents with pride [the] 1958 Floral Festival 17th to 22nd February with

Floral Carpet, The Square
Festival Fun Fair, A&P Showgrounds
Floral Procession, Saturday, February 22

and Waxworks, Jack Maybury, White Yogi, Louis Deslaurieres, Mannequin Paradettes, Film Festival, Skating Carnival, National Dancing, Speedway, Drown-a-Clown and Festival Fun Fair"


Object type
Multi-Page Document
February 1958
Digitisation ID
Held In
Research File

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PNCC Float in 1958 Floral Festival
Floral Crest for 1958 Floral Festival


floral festival,
palmerston north showgrounds,
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