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562 Featherston Street, Palmerston North

562 Featherston Street, Palmerston North

This house was probably designed by architect Acton Wylde-Browne.

Palmerston North
Co-Op shop, Corner of Vogel and Hayden Streets
Unidentified Co-Op shop (2)

Co-Op shop, Corner of Vogel and Hayden Streets

This Co-op dairy was situated on the corner of Hayden and Vogel Street (8 Hayden Street). As can be seen in the images, the shop fronted onto Vogel Street, with a house attached at the back, fronting onto Hayden Street. At the time there were a large number of co-op shops that served the suburban areas of Palmerston North. It continued to operate until about the mid 1980s.

The building was believed to have been demolished by the Samoan Assembly of God (AOG), who subsequently built on the site. The church is first listed at 8 Hayden Street in the telephone directories in 1989 and continues to operate from there to this day (2023).

This image is part of a set of images held by Palmerston North architect, Acton Wylde-Browne, so was probably one he designed. The photographer is from Wellington.

New Zealand
Unidentified house
Unidentified house (2)

Unidentified house

It is unknown where this house is situated.

It is part of a set of images held by Palmerston North architect, Acton Wylde-Browne, so was probably one he designed. He did design buildings outside the area, and as the photographer is from Wellington it may be from there.

New Zealand
Sitting room, Pierard house, Palmerston North

Sitting room, Pierard house, Palmerston North

This house at 23 Montgomery Terrace, Hokowhitu, was built for the Mr A. G. Pierard and family in the 1960s. It was probably designed by architect, Acton Wylde-Brown.

Montgomery Terrace, Palmerston North
Construction of building

Construction of building

A crane is used in the construction of a building.

New Zealand
Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri
Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri (2)Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri (3)Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri (5)Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri (7)Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri (4)Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri (6)

Artificial Breeding Centre, Awahuri

The 200 acre, Awahuri Artificial Breeding Centre opened in 1961, for the purposes of herd improvement. It was built to service the Taranaki, Wellington, Hawkes Bay and South Island areas.

These images were in a collection held by architect, Acton Wylde-Browne. It is thought he probably designed the building.

Awahuri, Manawatū
Kelly Printing and Office Supplies
Kelly Printing and Office Supplies (2)Kelly Printing and Office Supplies (3)

Kelly Printing and Office Supplies

The Kelly Printing and Office Supplies building at an unknown location.

This image was part of a collection held by architect Acton Wylde-Browne. It is thought he could have designed the building.

New Zealand
Salford Place Kindergarten
Salford Place Kindergarten

Salford Place Kindergarten

The newly built Salford Place Kindergarten, also called West End Kindergarten. It was probably designed by architect Acton Wylde-Browne in circa 1960s.

5 Salford Place, Palmerston North
Manawatu Art Gallery interior
Manawatu Art Gallery interior (2)Manawatu Art Gallery interior (3)

Manawatu Art Gallery interior

A set of images, thought to be taken of the interior of the Manawatu Art Gallery in circa 1960s.

Grey Street, Palmerston North
Unidentified house, Palmerston North

Unidentified house, Palmerston North

An unidentified house in Palmerston. Probably designed by architect Acton Wylde-Browne.

Palmerston North
R. M. Moss house, Palmerston North

R. M. Moss house, Palmerston North

A house built for R. M. Moss. It was probably designed by architect Acton Wylde-Browne.

Palmerston North
Meyrick house, Feilding
Meyrick house, Feilding (3)Meyrick house, Feilding (2)

Meyrick house, Feilding

This house is believed to have been designed for the Meyrick family in circa 1960s. It is thought the architect is Acton Wylde-Browne, of Palmerston North.

Farm house near Feilding
Farm house near Feilding (2)Farm house near Feilding (3)

Farm house near Feilding

A house on a farm near Feilding. It was probably designed by architect Acton Wylde-Browne.

Near Feilding
Dr Uttley's house, Palmerston North
Dr Uttleys house - interior (4)Dr Uttley house - interior (2)Dr Uttley house - interior (3)Dr Uttley's house (5)

Dr Uttley's house, Palmerston North

This house is believed to have been designed for Dr K. F. M. Uttley and family in circa 1960s. In the late 1960s Dr Uttley was living at 564 Featherston Street, which may be the address of this house. The architect was probably Acton Wylde-Browne, of Palmerston North.

564 Featherston Street (?), Palmerston North