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The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 16

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 16


p. 3 Editorial / Russell Poole

p. 4 School milk, health camps and 'Gunn's Gospel of Grub' / Margaret Tennant

p. 13 'This lovely home'. An account of 'Brabourne', 149 Monmouth Street, Feilding / Gerry Barton

p. 26 Stepping out of the shadows. Lorna Hodder's quest for a vocation / Tim Shoebridge

p. 38 Peter Black, City Curator and father of the Esplanade, 1908 to 1946 / Michael Roche

p. 48 Excursions and excavations. The Palmerston North Polynesian Group / Tony Rasmussen

p. 56 Richard Leary and his legacy. 125 years of pharmacy in Palmerston North / Leanne Croon Hickman

p. 67 Hatches, matches & dispatches. From the diaries of Feilding florist Patricia Mason / Marilyn Wightman

p. 74 Smokefree genesis? Building Palmerston North's first smokefree bylaw / Peter Ridge


p. 83 Local history week presentation / Geoff Watson


p. 83 Jill White: G. H. Bennett

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 15

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 15


p. 3 Editorial / Russell Poole

p. 5 Serving the people: work and life at Palmerston North's premier department store / Simon Johnson

p. 17 Awapuni Medical Corps camp and 'the scourge' of 1918 / Leanne Croon Hickman

p. 29 The Methodist Church and the early development of Palmerston North / Jill White

p. 41 My five favourite historic places / Cindy Lilburn

p. 44 Manawatu Embroiderers' Guild, 1969-2019 / Fiona McKergow

p. 55 But who was Rangi Kawauw? /Dorothy Pilkington

p. 64 First World War centenary commemorations in Palmerston North / Joe Hollander and Russel Poole

Notes on resources for local history:-

p. 73 Online cumulative table of contents for the 'Manawatū Journal of History' / Russell Poole

p. 74 Resources for the military and defence history of Palmerston North and region / Joe Hollander

p. 76 Photographs from the collection of the late Lachlan Scott / Russell Poole

Book Review:-

p.77 Wildbore: a photographic legacy by Catherine Knight / Reviewed by Simon Johnson

Palmerston North Heritage Trust Citations:-

p.79 Cindy Lilburn (2018) / Margaret Tennant

p.80 Tina White (2018) / Margaret Tennant

p.80 Clive Akers (2019) / Geoff Watson

p. 81 Special citation for Manawatū Heritage and supporting staff (2019) / Margaret Tennant

p. 82 Palmerston North Heritage Trust 'Best Article' Award (2018) / Margaret Tennant

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

Houses on Jickell Street, Palmerston North

Houses on Jickell Street, Palmerston North

The three houses shown here today have the street numbers (left to right) 71, 73 and 75b Jickell Street. They are viewed from the corner with Hardie Street.

This photograph comes from a set of images donated to the Ian Matheson City Archives during a competition in the 1950s. Many of the houses in the set are identified, but many are unknown.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 14

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 14


p. 3 Editorial / Russell Poole

p. 5 Mrs (Dr) Martin tracing Margery Martin, the wife of Dr Arthur Anderson Martin / Leanne Croon Hickman

p. 14 Fragments of a year in the life of a Palmerston North business /Jill White

p. 22 A growing legacy: the contribution of the Mason family to New Zealand horticulture / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 31 Six minutes walk to the Square: the story of one city block / Lucy Marsden

p. 42 Women's organisations in the Manawatū / Heather Glasgow

p. 46 Time to speak: breaking the silence on the Shannon military defaulters' camps and their aftermath / Margaret Tate

p. 53 The Elwood mayoralty 1971-1985: reflections from oral histories / Margaret Tennant

p. 62 University Avenue: giving shape to Massey University campus / Louis Changuion

p. 70 'The second frontier of education': community-based preschool provision in the Manawatū 1939-1979 / Kerry Bethell


p. 80 Manawatu Standard photograph collection gifted to the city / Lesley Courtney

p. 82 New additions to the Dairy Records Archive, Massey University / Norah Mosen

p. 84 Notes on contributors

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 13

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 13


p. 3 Editorial / Russell Poole

p. 5 'Whose river is it anyway? Recreation on the Manawatū.' / Jill White

p. 15 'The story of a schoolbag: going to school in the First World War.' / Kerry Bethell & Cushla Scrivens

p. 23 'A new lease on life: the strengthening and refurbishment of Massey University's Sir Geoffrey Peren building.' / Louis Changuion

p. 33 '"Kowhai Day. Something about the flower": the story of Feilding's emblem.' / Marilyn Wightman:

p. 40 Clear artistry: a brief look at the history and uses of shop windows in Palmerston North.' / Heather Glasgow

p. 44 'Grand men of the road: the early decades of the Automobile Association in the Manawatū.' / Sue Ford

p. 53 'The New Zealand Army Staff College at Massey Agricultural College during the Second World War.' / John Moremon

p. 62 ' A mecca for children: the history of the Palmerston North Municipal Baths.' / Val Mills

Book reviews:-

p. 71 "From Empire's Servant to Global Citizen. A history of Massey University" by Michael Belgrave / reviewed by Lucy Marsden

p. 73 "Down at the Baths" by Val Mills / reviewed by Geoff Watson


P. 75 Newly discovered portraits of Alexander McDonald / Richard Mildon

p. 76 New information on the Shannon military defaulter camps

p. 77 Citation for Lucy Marsden / Margaret Tennant

p. 78 Notes on contributors

p. 79 Invitation to new authors

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 12

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 12


p. 3 Editorial / Margaret Tennant

p. 5 To bridge or not to bridge...? / Jill White

p. 17 Money for my boy: the story of Katherine Wilson's will / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 25 The final battle / Simon Johnson

p. 35 An indeterminate sentence: the Shannon objector camps 1942-1946 / Margaret Tate

p. 48 'Young maids in England never behaved thus!' life at the Craven School for Girls (1892-1929) / Heather Glasgow

p. 52 Platinum fever in the Fitzherbert hills / Russel Poole

p. 64 The end of the road: the early years of the Awapuni home / Margaret Tennant

Book reviews:-

p. 74 "Horses 'n' wagons: adventures of Oroua Teamsters 1997-2004" by Maurice Watt / reviewed by Lucy Marsden

p. 76 "War stories: memories of the residents of Feilding" edited by Bobbie Nicholls and Ruth Dalzell / reviewed by Russel Poole


p. 77 A new history of Palmerston North / Margaret Tennant


p. 78 Mervyn Wilkinson ('Merv') Hancock 1926-2016 / Margaret Tennant


p.80 Dorothy Pilkington

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 11

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 11


p. 3 Editorial / Cushla Scrivens

p. 5 A story of music, rumour, and war in Feilding / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 11 Anders Hansen Ihle Palmerston North pioneer / Joan Barnes

p. 20 A journalist in World War One: the man who created 'ANZAC' / Marilyn Wightman

p. 27 A pioneering principal: Massey's Sir Geoffrey Peren / Lucy Marsden

p. 38 It's all in the name: German heritage in the First World War / Heather Glasgow

p. 43 The Polish refugee children: Allan Hughes, Jan Jarka and the bond that remained / Barbara Scivens

p. 52 Alexander McDonald: the man who shot the horse at Awahuri / Richard Mildon

p. 64 A leading light for the blind / Margaret Tate

Book reviews:-

p. 73 "Signs of the times. The naming of the streets of Feilding" by Dorothy Pilkington / reviewed by Margaret Tennant

p. 74 "Communities remember World War One: memorials of the Manawatu district" compiled by Peter Olsen and Janet Boyle / reviewed by James Watson

p. 75 "Ravaged beauty. An environmental history of the Manawatu" by Catherine Knight / reviewed by Russell Poole

p. 77 "Plains science 2: inventions, innovations and discoveries from the Manawatu" edited by V E Neall / reviewed by Jill White

p. 78 "Bainesse. Celebrating 100 years of rural and community education" edited and compiled by Gillian Absolon / reviewed by Cushla Scrivens

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

Back Issues:  1970s Decade of protest

Back Issues: 1970s Decade of protest

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. A photo exhibition at Square Edge includes thirty photographs from the Manawatū Standard archives, showing local protests and demonstrations. The exhibition reflects on several protest and strike action campaigns in the 1970s, culminating with images from the 1981 Springbok Tour protests.

Palmerston North
Andrew Young Street, Name and History

Andrew Young Street, Name and History

Name: Andrew Young

Suburb, Palmerston North Central

The street is named for Andrew Young (1833-1895), the owner-driver of the first coach service between Foxton and Palmerston North. At a Palmerston Borough Council Meeting on 20 August 1884 the Mayor read a letter from Mr A Young’s agent. It advised that Mr Young wished to have a street laid facing the Masonic Hall, Main Street, running through to Cuba Street. Money to carry out the forming and metalling of said street was available at any time.

The matter of Andrew Young Street was referred to the Public Works Committee and a call for tenders made in November 1884.

The map is a derivative of this Palmerston North Borough map from 1923.

Mr Andrew Young, was born in Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland in 1833. He emigrated to Victoria, Australia, in the early 1850s on the ship, South Carolina. Mr A Young first tried his luck as a gold digger at Castlemaine and Bendigo. The Victorian goldrushes also saw the arrival of four Americans – Mr Freeman Cobb, Mr John Murray Peck, Mr James Swanton and Mr John B. Lamber, who established the original Cobb & Company line of coaches in Melbourne, in 1853. In May 1856 the partners sold-up and the business passed through a number of owners.

It was Cobb and Co., under Messrs Highett and Co., who employed Mr Young on his return to Melbourne. He drove coaches between Geelong and Ballarat, until the Ballarat to Melbourne railway was complete. It was here that Mr Young met and married his wife Miss Elizabeth Nott in 1860. She gave birth to their eldest daughter, Selina, in Geelong, in 1862.

In 1861 it was once again the discovery of gold, this time, at Gabriel’s Gully, Otago, that attracted the coaching business. Now under proprietor Mr Charles Carlos Cole, Cobb and Co service and plant (including a stagecoach, wagons, buggies, horses and saddles) travelled aboard the SS India from Melbourne to Dunedin. Operations commenced October 1861. Mr C Cole formed a partnership with brothers, Messrs Charles and Henry Hoyt, the following year, and the company sent for Mr Young around 1863. He was whip on the Tokomairiro line, travelling between Dunedin and Tokomairiro.

The successful coaching venture on Tokomairiro line enabled Mr Young to save money and start a staging line between Christchurch and Hokitika as the agent for Cobb and Co. He achieved this in partnership with fellow driver, Mr WH Shepard (also known as WH Shepperd). In time, they extended to the Wellington province.

In 1869, at the conclusion of the Titokowaru’s War, the partners started a bi-weekly service between Wellington and Whanganui. Mr Young ran the Wellington to Foxton Line, and Mr Shepard the Foxton to Whanganui Line. The partnership dissolved in March of 1871 by mutual consent, with Mr Young retaining the line between Wellington and Whanganui, and Mr Shepard taking the line from Whanganui to New Plymouth.

Mr and Mrs Young rented Flagstaff Cottage in Willis Street, Wellington, and moved in with their children; Selina Wilmot b.1862, William Andrew b.1865, James Frederick Robert b.1867 and John Henry b.1869. Albert Edward was born in February of 1872. In September of that year, architect, Ben Smith, sought tenders for the building of a two storey dwelling for Mr Andrew Young in upper Willis Street, opposite Union Bank. After moving into their home, the Young’s had three more children; Victoria May b.1875, Frank Wellington b.1877, and Ruby May b.1880. They moved to Ellice Street in 1893.

In October of 1871 Mr Shepard had a coaching accident while travelling along a beach near Patea. He was pulled from the cab box when a portion of harness broke, subsequently run over by the coach, and caught in the surf. Mrs Shepard, who was the sole passenger, managed to jump out of the coach and drag her husband from the sea. He died a few days later from his injuries. Mr Young continued the business over the whole line until able to purchase the interest of the late Mr Shepherd in 1872.

The Patea Mail, in December 1885, recounted that it was somewhere in the wilds of Otago, in 1872, that Mr Young and his coach famously faced off with visiting author, Mr Anthony Trollope and his carriage. With a cutting too narrow to pass, the author demanded that Mr Young cede the way. On refusal, Mr Trollope said:

“Sir, do you know who I am?”
Mr Young stated his ignorance and the author set him straight. Mr Young responded:

“Yes, I knew it was some fool or other like that. Well Mr Trollope, my name is Andrew Young, and I give you just one second more, and if you don’t start to back out of this cutting we’ll see your name on a tombstone as soon as your relations take the trouble to put it there.”

Mr Trollope backed out and, interestingly, did not include the incident in his book of travels.

Coaching in those days meant traversing incredibly rough terrain including unformed roads, beaches, and making river crossings by ferry. You can read more on ferry life in this Back Issues article by Val Burr. Sometimes passengers had to get out and push the coach!

Mr Young continued to expand his lines into the North Island. In 1877, knowing that trains would inevitably rise as the main mode of transport, Mr Young made arrangements with the Railways Department to offer trips with a combination of train and coach connections. Customers found they could now travel between Wellington and Napier in a day. In 1877 Mr Young sold his business to Messrs Hall and Henry. He then took overseas trips in 1878 and again in 1884, visiting the United Kingdom and United States. Mr Young was a shrewd businessman. Besides the coaching business, he purchased land in early Palmerston North and had holdings in Whanganui and Wellington. As a result, he retired comfortably.

He was prominent in Wellington municipal affairs as a councillor for both the Te Aro and Lambton Wards between 1880 and 1890. He was a mayoral candidate in 1881 and 1882, missing out in the vote. Mr Young was also involved in a number of community groups. He was First Lieutenant of the Wellington Guards, Vestryman of St. Peter’s parish, and a shareholder in the Te Aro Theatre and Opera House Company. As a keen sportsman and steward of the Wellington Racing Club, he owned and raced several horses. Mr Young was a member of Pacific Lodge of Freemasons until his death.

In 1882 he re-entered the business world, however this time it was unsuccessful. He lost a great deal of money on a line of coaches between Tauranga and Thames, when a road washed out. He unsuccessfully petitioned the Public Petitions Committee for compensation for loss of the mail contract in 1883. Within a decade this particular line was to flourish with the rising mining industry. In 1888 he backed his son, William, in an omnibus business (in opposition to the trams) in Wellington. This failed within two years. Mr A Young narrowly escaped bankruptcy due to negotiating an annulment in 1894.

In 1895 Mr Andrew Young became ill and was diagnosed with cancer of the gullet. He died on the 17th of September 1895, surrounded by his wife and children at their home in Ellice Street. He was interred in the Karori Cemetery.


In September of 1884, councillor Sutton motioned, and councillor George seconded, that plans be made for the construction of Andrew Young Street. The resolution passed. By November 1884, Mr RN Keeling, Town Clerk, was calling for contractor tenders.

The street was registered in 1885 and considered a private street, as were Bourke, Campbell, David, Domain and Lombard streets. As such, a loan was authorised to be raised in 1886 to form and metal Andrew Young Street. Allocation of monies was based on pro rata rates paid by the residents of the Ward.

D.P.451, sections 327, 328, 333, and 334 were subdivided in 1889, and Mr A Young started selling the sections and allotments.

It wasn't until 1900 that a drainage scheme was approved for Andrew Young Street. Sewers were laid five years later. By 1906 four sewer connections had been made to residences. Repairs to the composite joining the pipes had to be carried out in 1907, before all connections were completed in 1908. Tarred water tables were then constructed in 1909.

From 1905 the road and footpaths were top-dressed regularly with tar and sand, and in 1922 wooden kerbing was replaced with concrete kerbing and channelling. In 1926 Andrew Young Street was regraded and metalled. In the early to mid-1930s tar and bitumen were applied to the footpath and road down the length of the street.

In 1913 there was talk, initiated by a special committee appointed by the Borough Council, of changing the name from Andrew Young Street to Young Street. This never eventuated.

Early residents included

Mr Henry Mouldey, son of Moses and Eleanor Mouldey, was born in 1833 in Berkshire, England. He emigrated as a young man to Victoria, Australia.

Miss Ellen Stapleton was born in Tiperary, County Ireland. She emigrated with her parents to Victoria, Australia, in 1856, where she met Mr Mouldey. They married in 1859 and came to New Zealand, arriving at Port Lyttelton on the ship Cressy. The couple settled in North Canterbury and farmed there some 20 years. Mr Mouldey then became a bricklayer and owned a brick yard between Rangiora and Fernside.

They had nine children; Deborah Ellen b.1860 , Mary Ann b.1863, George Henry b.1864, Catherine Matilda b.1866, John Moses b.1869, William b. 1871, Henry Edwin b.1875, Ada Selina b.1873 and Minnie Frances b.1877.

The couple moved to Palmerston North in 1889, where Mr H Mouldey was first engaged as a building contractor. They became residents of Andrew Young Street that same year when Mr Mouldey purchased section 333, allotments 5 and 6, from Mr A Young.

From 1908 the couple ran Mouldey’s Variety Store in Andrew Young Street (see Early business, organisations and clubs included, below). Mrs Ellen Mouldey died in 1915, aged 79 years. Mr Henry W Mouldey died in 1919 at the age of 86 years.

Mr George Lynch Darby Goldfinch was born in 1822 County Dover, England. He emigrated to Sydney Australia, on the ship Steadfast in 1848. He stayed for a few months before travelling to Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, on the ship Charles Forbes. In Wellington he worked as a wheelright. On Christmas day in 1850, Mr GLD Goldfinch married Miss Mary Futter.

Miss Mary Futter arrived in Wellington in 1842 on the ship, Lady Nugent.

After a few years in Wellington Mr and Mrs GLD Goldfinch went to the gold diggings in Bendigo, Victoria. After trying their luck for six months, they settled in Melbourne for three years where Mr GL Goldfinch worked again as a wheelright.

Mr and Mrs G Goldfinch returned to Wellington in 1856, taking up a farm at Judgeford, Pahautanui. They remained there for 20 odd years and had thirteen children; John Matthew b.1852, Alice b.1853, George James b.1856, Arthur b.1858, Adolph b.1859, Lucy b.1861, Annie b.1863, Ruth b.1864, Henry b.1867, Eva b.1869, Astella b.1870, Charles James b.1873 and Susan Elsie b.1872.

In 1884, the Goldfinch family moved to Taonui, near Feilding. Later that decade they moved to Palmerston North, taking up residence in Andrew Young Street in 1892. Mr Goldfinch was involved with Oddfellow’s and the Loyal Antipodean Lodge, he been a member of the latter since his Wellington days.

On Christmas Day in 1900 it was the couple’s jubilee wedding anniversary. They celebrated with 150 guests at the Foresters’ Hall. Approximate eighty attendees were family.

Mr George Lynch Darby Goldfinch died April 1904, at 82 years of age. He is interred at Terrace End Cemetery. Mrs Mary Goldfinch died July 1908, aged 77 years.

Mrs Elizabeth Alice Smith lived in Andrew Young Street from 1901. She was born in Johnsonville, Wellington, in 1846 to Mr and Mrs John Monk. They emigrated from London in 1841, arriving in Wellington in 1842. Their home was a hut in the bush and Mr J Monk worked as a shopkeeper, pit sawyer and farmer, respectively.

Miss Elizabeth Alice Monk lived in Wellington until 1863, when she married Mr Thomas Smith. They couple farmed on Mr T Smith’s family station on the East Coast in Wairarapa for seven years. Then resided in North Makara near Wellington for fifteen years.

They had fourteen children; Martha Alice b.1867, John David b.1868, James Alfred b.1870, William Edward b.1871, Wallace Ernest b.1873, Thomas Francis Every b.1875, Jesse Herbert b.1877, Albert Arthur b.1879, Joseph Leonard b.1881, Henry Bertram b.1882, Walter Charles b.1884, Lillian May b.1886, Violet Grace b.1888 and Nellie Rose b.1891.

The Smith family moved to Tiritea (later known as Turitea) Palmerston North, in 1886, where they farmed a property. In 1889 they retired to Fitzherbert Avenue, Palmerston North, in order to provide easier access to education for their younger children. Mr Thomas Smith died in 1892 aged 49 yrs.

After a few years in Napier, Mrs Smith settled in Andrew Young Street in 1901. She remained there until her death, July 1942, aged ninety-six years. Mrs Elizabeth Alice Smith is interred at Terrace End Cemetery.

Early business, organisations and clubs included

In 1896, Mrs Eliza Clare (nee Osborne) purchased section 328 allotment 17 of Andrew Young Street. It is listed under her husband, Mr Samuel Charles Clare, from the following year. Mr SC Clare built a bakehouse there, A1 Bakery (later called Clare’s Bakehouse), which supplied his various businesses:

  • A1 Bakery, Dining and Refreshment Rooms, 1896 – 1901, Te Marae o Hine the Square next to the Bee Hive Store.
  • Clare’s, Cuba Street, 1899 – 1904 (residence before moving to Ferguson Street).
  • S Clare’s A1 Caterer and Confectioner, later Clare & Co., 1900 – 1908, Te Marae o Hine the Square.
  • His Lordship’s Larder, 1900 – 1901, Te Marae o Hine the Square next to United Farmers Co-operative Association.
  • Macpherson the Cash Grocer, renamed Messrs S Clare and Co., 1903 – 1904, Te Marae o Hine the Square next to Bennett and Co.
  • Cosmopolitan Dining Rooms, 1905 - 1908, Main Street.
  • Miss Grubb, renamed Clare’s, 1905 – 1908, Broad Street (later Broadway Avenue).
  • Youngson’s Dining Rooms, renamed Clare’s Dining Rooms, 1906 – 1908, Te Marae o Hine the Square.

In 1908 fire damaged the northern end of the bakehouse, and it was rebuilt. Messrs S Clare and Co., then sold the business to Mr WS Dustin and it was renamed Dustin’s Bakehouse. In November of 1909 a fire broke out at Dustin’s Bakehouse. Fortunately, they were insured and the business continued. Here is the frontage of Dustin’s circa. 1914-1918, on Main Street.

From the mid to late-1890s Mr and Mrs John P Jensen leased property in Andrew Young Street where they operated a coffee palace and boarding house. The location on the street is unknown. In addition, Mr JP Jensen met incoming trains and provided transport to the boarding house.

Mrs Charles Abel Peters moved from George to Andrew Young Street in 1904. She had purchased section 333, allotment 26, from Mrs Annie Kirk.

Mrs CA Peters opened a two-storeyed boarding house, of twenty-nine rooms. It also housed Peters Coffee Palace. The family resided on the ground floor at the rear of the café, with approximately fifteen boarders upstairs. The boarding house was managed by Mr Ernest Albert Fearnley.

A fire occurred in February of 1906, damaging the boarding house and contents. In September of the same year Mrs C Peters rebuilt, this time in brick, with fire escapes.

In 1908 Mr Charles Abel Peters died, aged 44 years. It is unclear whether he and Mrs Peters were together, after the 1904 move to Andrew Young Street. Later in 1908, Mrs Peters married Mr EA Fearnley. The business name changed to Fearnley’s Coffee Palace and private hotel. Mr and Mrs E Fearnley purchased further allotments on section 333 over the next fifteen years.

Fearnley's was rebuilt and refurbished in 1924. The upper storey was extensively fire damaged in 1943, and the Fearnley's again rebuilt. Mrs Esther Fearnley died in 1954, aged 91 years and Mr Ernest Albert Fearnley died in 1955 aged 81 years.

After the couple’s deaths the hotel was owned by the Fearnley family estate. It finally closed in 1968, when sold to Mr DF Huggett. In its sixty-four years of operation, except for five years when the hotel was run by Mr Robinson, there was always a Peters or Fearnley at the helm. Mr T Fearnley, Mr EA Fearnley’s nephew, was proprietor at the time of closing. However, that was not the end of its story.

In 1989, Mr George Ionas purchased the building from the Palmerston North Power Board, who had used it as a training facility. In 2002, 21-25 Andrew Street was leased to Shepherd's Rest a non-profit charitable trust, as a home for the homeless. It could accommodate up to 58 people. Shepherd’s Rest represented multiple churches of multiple denominations and helped people overcome drug and alcohol addiction. In January of 2012 the trust had to give up the home due to financial constraints. The building that was once Fearnley's Hotel was demolished in March of 2012.

In 1905, the Palmerston North branch of the Young Mens’ Christian Association (YMCA) commenced with the acquisition of a property in Andrew Young Street. Founding members Mr TR Hodder, Mr H Tolley, Mr DW Low and Mr JE Vernon established clubrooms and a gymnasium. In collaboration with the YMCA, the Manawatū Camera Club attached a darkroom to the building. The gymnasium was the venue of a various lectures and public debates.

Mouldey’s Variety Store (later known as Variety Hall) was a second-hand dealership and variety store at 3 Andrew Young Street. Mr and Mrs Henry Mouldey, proprietors, advertised its wares from 1908 until his death in 1919. It was situated near Central Hotel.

In 1914, one of Palmerston North’s first motorised taxi cab businesses was established by Mr John Jarvie Gillies at 13 Andrew Young Street. Mr JJ Gillies had worked in the Manawatū saw-milling and dairy industries previously. He originally drove a cab that could accommodate five passengers, and by 1924 Mr J Gillies had a 7-seater Buick Limousine on offer. He lived in Andrew Young Street at several different addresses during this time and died at his wife, Elizabeth’s, boarding house at 22 Andrew Young Street on Christmas day of 1940, aged 74 years.

From 1917, Plumbers, Beattie and Proctor Ltd., were located on the corner Andrew Young and Cuba Streets. By 1930 their business had grown significantly, and a new business premises was built in Cuba Street.

Mr Fritz Holland a well-known pugilist, opened Fritz Holland’s Boxing school in the Variety Hall (formerly Mouldey's) opposite Fearnley’s Coffee Palace in July 1920. Thirty students originally signed up and by August the roll numbered fifty-seven. However, the school was short-lived, lasting less than a year. In time, Mr F Holland was to return to Palmerston North. In 1930 he opened a gymnasium for his boxing classes in the old Central Fire Station in Cuba Street.

Fortunately for boxing enthusiasts, Mr Jim “Kid” Harris, bantam-weight ex-champion of England, under the patronage of the Manawatū Boxing Association, re-opened the school of boxing, physical culture and massage in January 1921. By March, “Kid” Harris had indicated he was settling in Palmerston North permanently. He and his students feature frequently in the local sports news until 1926. In 1925 the boxing gymnasium re-opened in the Produce Hall of the Palmerston North Showgrounds.


The addresses on Andrew Young were renumbered in 1939. See p.16 of the Rates Register of Street Numbers - Old and New.

Cuba Street, Name and History

Cuba Street, Name and History

Cuba street

Name: Cuba

Suburb, Palmerston North Central

The origin is unknown. It is assumed to be named after Cuba Street in Wellington, which was named after the ship, "Cuba."

The map is a derivative of this Palmerston North Borough map from 1923.

The Cuba was a barque of 270-273 tons captained by John Newcombe. The New Zealand Company sent her ahead of immigrant ships from England in July 1839, carrying a survey team of 23 people. The team was led by surveyor-general, Captain William Mein Smith. He had three assistant surveyors, Mr Robert Park, Mr Wellington Carrington and Mr Robert A Stokes. Their job was to meet principal of the company, Colonel Edward Gibbon Wakefield who had set out on the Tory two months earlier, make purchases of land and survey it for the colonists to follow.

Other passengers included Mr (Sir) Richard Davies Hanson, Commissioner for the Purchase of Land, and his Assistant Commissioner and native interpreter, Mr William Bath.

During the voyage, the barque called at Porto Praya, Cape Verde Islands, and a party went ashore. A storm made it necessary for Cuba to ride it out at sea for four days. When they regained port to pick up those ashore, yellow fever came aboard. One of the survey team, Mr William Matthews, and Mr W Bath the Assistant Commissioner, died at sea and were committed to the deep.

In September 1839 the larger 500 to 550-ton vessels, Oriental and Aurora, left England carrying 145 and 148 immigrants respectively.

On arrival in New Zealand, Cuba missed meeting Wakefield on the Tory, at Kaipara. The Cuba made its way to the whaling station on Kapiti Island where whaler, Captain George “Jordy” Young, boarded. He then navigated Cuba to Port Nicholson, where a trader named Smith had been deputised by Wakefield to instruct Captain Smith where to proceed surveying. Cuba cast anchor off Pito-one (Petone) foreshore in early January 1840.

Although the Oriental had left England first, Aurora arrived in Port Nicholson a week earlier – docking on 22 January 1840. Both landed immigrants on Pito-one (Petone) beach, where the surveying team had built a small jetty for this purpose.


When Palmerston (later named Palmerston North) was proclaimed a town in 1866, Cuba Street was on the original plan. It first ended at Short Street (now known as Cook Street) and was extended out to Burns Avenue at a much later date. To learn more about the original planning and design of Cuba Street, take a look at this Back Issues article by Lesley Courtney.

In 1871, Palmerston’s first public cemetery was established on the site of the present Palmerston North Showgrounds. By 1875, a decision was made to move the cemetery to Napier Road, due to the Cuba Street site being too wet. The bodies were exhumed and reinterred at Terrace End Cemetery.

At the November 1878 Palmerston Borough Council meeting, councillor Coleman proposed that tenders be called for forming and metalling Cuba Street. Though it was one of the first streets of the town, it now needed significant attention. Most of the work was expected to be funded in debentures. At the December meeting, the council accepted the tender of Messrs Collins and McCarthy, £148 15s 6d; plus footpaths and kerbing at £2 7s 3d per chain.

In September of 1880 the lowering of the culvert at the junction of George and Cuba Streets, deepened the water table to drain towards the bush. After further lowering of the water table the following month, gravel was spread. In 1881 water was removed from the corner of Cuba Street and Rangitikei Street, leaving a hole to fill. That was addressed when the ordered dray and harness arrived in town. There was work undertaken on the culverts over the next five years.

In October of 1895 Mr Andrew Jack, overseer of waterworks, reported that the sewer in Cuba, and nearby streets, was in a bad way. Sewerage was escaping out the pipe joints as fast as he was running water through the four-inch main. The joints were not cemented, and surrounding shingle was black with discharge. While the report was acknowledged, this wasn’t acted on at the time.

By 1901 the sewerage pipes in Cuba Street were becoming blocked with silt. When they were opened for inspection, interested residents observed there was no cement securing the pipe joints at all.

In 1901, Mr Mestayer, newly appointed engineer for the borough sewerage scheme, was asked to inspect the main sewer and report back to council. By 1906 the plan was ready for laying of sewers in Cuba Street, and a call made for construction tenders. By October that year the pipes were laid, and house connections encouraged. Two years later it was reported that all houses were now connected to the sewerage system in Cuba Street.

Stormwater management was also a challenge in those early years. Plans were needed to intercept and drain surface water. From 1901 work was carried out on water channels and water tables, however it wasn’t until the 1920s that significant progress was made. In 1922 construction of a stormwater conduit accompanied by the laying of nine to twelve-inch drains commenced. Being a long street, the project took time. Concrete kerbing, channelling, pipe laying and sump building continued through until 1930.

The forming of footpaths and ongoing maintenance occurred over the same period. Work was often prompted by residents who also contributed towards costs. Reconditioning was carried out in the portions of Cuba Street with the greatest need. Heavy traffic areas received regular attention.

In the early 1900s the roadway regularly received coats of metal. From 1910 top-dressing with tar and sand commenced, although at times the borough had challenges in sourcing materials. Like the footpaths, Cuba Street work was carried out on one segment of the street at a time. From the 1920s the roadway became more robust with the introduction of macadam foundations and bitumen and chips as top-dressing. After that, ongoing treatment included top-dressing and asphalt patching.

Livestock certainly affected the upkeep of the road. In December of 1906 complaints were made of loose horses being driven, uncontrolled, up the street. Cuba Street was on the suggested livestock route to the Stevens & Gorton sale yards on Rangitikei Street. As late as 1917, a milk supplier complained about mobs of horses galloping up the street and disrupting his early morning deliveries.

Beside the potential dangers, the horses also left droppings along Cuba Street. In 1911 the borough council imported a manual street cleaning machine, purported to do the work of three people. It was so successful in its intended purpose, to clean up horse manure, that a second machine was purchased.

In 1914 complaints were made about the horse dropping receptacles on the corner of Cuba and Rangitikei Streets. They were collecting, water, unpleasant smells, and horse flies. While the borough engineer remedied the water issue, the flies were a result of the nearby sale yards and stables. He supplied the driver of the collecting cart with a canister of chloride of lime for disinfecting purposes.

In 1908 the Manawatū Beautifying Society asked the council to consider planting trees in Cuba Street. The following year the Reserves Committee also suggested planting Cuba Street in trees. As a result, the council and local schools took part in planting efforts each Arbor Day for several years. The last reported Arbor Day planting on Cuba Street was four ash trees in 1914.

With the introduction of motor vehicles, minor collisions occurred occasionally where car meets tree. In October 1929 a decision was made to remove all trees on Cuba Street where the roadway was tarred from kerb to kerb. They were now considered dangerous. Initially, any action was deferred for the opinion of the borough solicitor regarding liability for collisions.

Councillor Fitzherbert also put forward a compelling case opposing destruction of the trees. Given the width of the street he thought the action unwarranted and suggested motorists had a responsibility to drive carefully. He cited strong public sentiment to retain the trees, and suggested light coloured guards or kerbs be placed around them instead. Another suggestion was the lighting of each tree.

On the vote, the council was equally divided, and the mayor cast the final vote to eliminate the trees. On an early morning in November, the first two trees were cut down to a strong public reaction. Immediate protests led the mayor to rescind the order, subject to a special council meeting. Meanwhile, a protest meeting was attended by over 200 residents, regarding planned removal of trees in Broadway, Fitzherbert and Cuba Streets.

During the period, December 1929 to June 1930, there were three claims of damages after motorists had collided with a tree on Cuba Street. In each case the event occurred in the evening on wet roads. The council went to court with the first case and were found liable. The judge noted the tree was unlit and unguarded.

The mayor did note that the last claimant was citing an incident over six months prior.

In April of 1930 the Manawatū Beautifying Society indicated a willingness to work with the council to consider ways and means to minimise any danger from trees. That same month, the borough electrical engineer submitted a report recommending additional lighting in Cuba Street, and other streets with trees. He stated it was impractical to light every tree. A white picket fence surround should be sufficient. In May the council decided to remove only those trees that constituted a ‘menace’, and in June, following inspection, six trees were on the chopping block.

When two of the six trees were cut down, the Beautifying Society offered to fence the remaining ‘menace’ trees with white picket fences at their expense. Two further trees were cut down the following day. The remaining two and an extra tree followed, despite the Beautifying Society bringing a sample fence to the borough council chambers for inspection.

The following month, the trunks of remaining trees in Cuba street were painted a luminous white. This decision by the borough council resulted in a noticeable improvement in visibility.

While not as contentious as the trees, cycle tracks in the street were somewhat fluid. In 1912 cycle tracks were built in Cuba Street. And in 1915 councillor Rolfe suggested something needed to be done to define their existence between Rangitikei and Taonui Streets. However, just a year later, councillor Seifert moved that the track in Cuba Street be discontinued at Taonui Street and a sign posted to indicate this. Further efforts to add cycle tracks were defeated.

While councillor Seifert’s motion does not appear to have been successful, the cycle track from Taonui to Campbell Street was eliminated in 1927, when the road was tarred from kerb to kerb. It was also in 1927 that the proprietor of the new Carlton Hotel successfully had the cycle track abolished from the front of his business. New cycle stands did appear in Cuba Street from time to time.

Apart from a cab stand built opposite the showgrounds in 1909, parking stands for private motor cars did not appear until the 1920s. They were required to deal with overflow from Coleman Place and George Street. The showgrounds also extended parking on both sides of the road to accommodate visitors during events.

It was in 1908, that the Pascal brothers first looked at extending Cuba Street. To build and access Palermes Street, Messrs Pascal Bros first needed to extend Cuba Street beyond Short Street (later Cook Street) and through the Education Reserve. The reserve was leased to the Manawatū and West Coast Agricultural and Pastoral (A&P) Association by the Education Commissioner.

Messrs Pascal Bros agreed to transfer property to the A&P Association, which would allow the association to extend their grounds alongside Pascal Street and provide access from the rear. In exchange, the brothers would have the right to form Cuba Street through the Education Reserve.

In 1908, this was originally permitted by the Education Commissioner, but did not proceed at the time.

Once fresh negotiations commenced in 1912, the Education Reserve had passed into the hands of the Wellington Land Board. When the Land Board refused permission, a petition was made to parliament by A&P Association members. The government, led by Prime Minister Massey, issued permission and the transfer proceeded.

In October 1912 the Borough Council gave consent for the extension of Cuba Street and construction of a new street, connecting to the Cuba Street extension. The work commenced in 1913 by Mr Edward John Armstrong and Palermes Street was ready to be taken over in 1914. That year there was also discussion around extending Cuba Street all the way to Kairanga Road (later Botanical Road), however this did not eventuate.

In 1925 F Needham, Ltd. gained permission to construct streets through the Pascal Block. From the outset Mr Frederick Needham made it clear that these would not be private streets. They would be following by-laws to the laying out of public streets. Cuba Street was further extended, and Burns Avenue constructed at its end. Lyndhurst Street (called Lyndhurst Street extension for some years after) was continued from Chelwood Street to meet the new Cuba Street extension.

In 1981, Cuba Street was the scene of barbed wire, police lines and protesters; when anti-Apartheid activists opposed the Springbok Tour. Take a look at this Back Issues article by Stephen Berg to find out more.

Early residents included

Mr Alexander McMinn, the founder of the Manawatū Daily Standard, lived at 92 Cuba Street (corner of Bourke Street) from 1885. The first issue of what was to become the Manawatū Standard was published on the 29th of November 1880. He sold the paper to Frederick Pirani in 1891. Mr McMinn was an accomplished piano player and he and his orchestra regularly provided the musical entertainment for dances at Oddfellows’ Hall. Architect LG West planned alterations to the McMinn’s house in 1904 and they lived in their refurbished home until 1912, when they moved to Auckland. Tina White covers a 1909 interview with Mr McMinn in this Memory Lane article.

Early business, organisations and clubs included

In the early 1880s, the mayor and other interested parties pursued the formation of an agricultural and pastoral society. In February 1881, their application to the government for approximately five-acres near the old Cuba Street Cemetery was granted for the purpose of a showground. The next step, to form and incorporate the society, was quickly underway.

In 1886 the Borough Council determined that the old cemetery plot in Cuba Street would become part of the showground. The now established Manawatū and West Coast Agricultural and Pastoral Association, hosted the first A&P Show that same year. By 1893 the popular and anticipated annual event had come to be known as ‘show week’ and local businesses enjoyed extra patronage over that time. Here is a panorama of the A&P Show in 1915.

From 1881 WT Wood Blacksmith, Wheelwright, and Veterinary Shoeing Smith, ran his business on the corner of Rangitikei and Cuba Streets (between the Royal and Clarendon Hotels). When the building was destroyed by fire in September of 1894, it was rebuilt next door in Cuba Street, behind the Clarendon Hotel. William Thomas Wood was mayor of Palmerston North from 1895-1899 and 1901-1903. After over 30 years of business and community service, the Wood’s left Palmerston North in 1913. Mr E Walders, Veterinary Shoer & General Blacksmith took over Mr Wood’s business.

In 1885, the English and American Coach Factory, Robert Parr proprietor, adjoined WT Woods. This was taken over by Browning and Tory Coachbuilders. Like its neighbour it was destroyed by fire. It reopened in 1896 as WA Browning Coachbuilder. By 1914, adjusting to changing times and technology, the business became WA Browning Carriage and Motor Works, with Mr CH Mundy as the motor engineer. In 1919 the business was sold to Messrs GP Adler and Co.

Methodist services began in Palmerston North in 1871, with the first church built in Broad Street (later Broadway Avenue) in 1872. Due to congregational growth, a second church was established in Cuba Street (corner of Domain Street) in 1890, with services commencing in 1891. Once complete, it was discovered that the church building was actually encroaching on adjoining Cuba Street sections. With removal unpractical, congregants had the unexpected expense of purchasing more property. The church was identified by several names, Wesleyan Church, Methodist Church, and Cuba Street Church. It underwent renovations in 1903, and in 1910, bursting at the seams, a kindergarten was built at the rear of the church, on the adjoining Domain Street section, to accommodate a roll of 120 infants.

With their building fund containing enough money in 1922, planning began for a new church on the site of the present structure. The architect, Mr Oscar Albert Jorgensen, designed a building that would seat 430 people. In 1924 the old church was completely remodelled and the new brick church built. The foundation stone of, the Trinity Methodist Church was laid in March and the opening was celebrated in July.

From 1895 the Oddfellows’ Hall operated at 188 Cuba Street, between David and Andrew Young Streets. The Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows was a mutual aid organisation. Their lodge rooms were used by various Manawatū groups such as: Oroua Lodge, UAOD; Palmerston Dramatic Society; Loyal Manawatū Lodge IOOF, MU; and Lodge of Druids. Alterations and additions were made in 1905 and dances began occurring regularly in the hall. Further alterations were made five years later. This was the interior in the 1920s.

In 1889 the Miller's opened the Post Office Store on the corner of Cuba and Taonui Streets, a business and residence, it was to become a family endeavour. Mrs George Miller was the first proprietor – general storekeeper and produce dealer, house and land agent, and trader of grains. In 1901 Mr George Miller sold the business lease to Mr Joshua Cull, a Bunnythorpe settler. He continued the grocery business with Mr George H Miller Jr., who had worked in the store since childhood. In 1903, Hawera businessman, Mr J Butler took over the lease. Mr G Miller Sr. died in 1906.

In 1907 the Post Office Store became Messrs Miller and Vinall, grocers and provision merchants, until Mr Holbrook purchased Mr Vinall’s interest. With Mr George H Miller the senior partner, they changed the name to Miller & Holbrook Family Grocers & Provision Merchants. The partnership was dissolved in 1911 and the business was carried on by Mr GH Miller as GH Miller Grocer and Provision Merchant, before returning to the original moniker, the Post Office Store. Mr Miller continued in the business, also called Miller’s, until 1937. It finally passed out of the Miller family when sold to Mr EJ Westwood.

It was in September of 1884 that working men of Palmerston North first met with the intention of forming a Working Men’s Club. The clubs had spread from the industrial areas of England since the mid-1800s. They were aimed at the self-improvement of working men, through education and recreation. One of the attractions was that this was an alternative to the heavy drinking pub environment.

It was almost four years later that the Colonial Secretary officially granted a charter to Palmerston Working Men’s Club. Mr HT Akers formerly of Club Hotel Church Street east, was made manager. The club officially opened in August, with subscribers of the Public Library donating seven hundred books to the endeavour. By the end of August, the club had a roll of 160 members.

This first premises on Rangitikei Street was sold in February of 1889. In March it reopened as the Christchurch Boarding House, Miss McCarthy proprietess. The Working Men’s Club moved to a two-storey building on Cuba Street. In 1900 additions and alterations were made to the building. Mr Robert Edwards, former Mayor of Palmerston North (1892-1893), was the architect.

By December 1902, club members agreed on purchasing a new site in Cuba Street, almost directly opposite their current clubrooms for a new purpose-built structure. In October of 1904 the new Working Men’s Club was completed, based on plans by architect, Mr E Larcomb.

In March of 1905 Mr TP Holland, of Bunnythorpe, purchased the lease of the old Working Men’s Club in Cuba Street from Mr E Stevenson. Just five months later, in August of 1905, the building was almost completely destroyed by fire.

By 1912 the club had a roll of almost 1,000 members and was seeking sites for addition accommodation. The solution came in purchasing the land immediately adjoining the club buildings, sections belonging to Mrs Jones. That then allowed frontages on Cuba and Taonui Streets, the address being 233-239 Cuba Street. Mr OA Jorgensen, architect, designed a brick building three times as large as the present accommodations. However, the war period intervened, and the new building was delayed.

In 1927 building commenced based on the design of Mr Ernst Vilhelm West. His father, Mr Ludolph Georg West, had been a member of the club. In August of 1928, the new club, now renamed the Cosmopolitan Club, was officially opened by Mr James Alfred Nash MP. Built by Mr DP Tortonson, the two-storied brick building included a frontage of four shops on Cuba Street.

The club moved from the building in 1989 and it was sold the following year.

In 1901 Buick & Young, Printers, commenced business from the Elizabeth Buildings, Cuba Street. In February of 1905 they started a stationers’ shop in connection with their business, also on Cuba Street. By August of 1905 Messrs Buick and Young further extended, in opening a law and commercial stationers’ shop in the Bett and Monrad buildings. In 1912 Mr TL Buick left the business. Mr Henry Llewellyn Young disposed of the stationery business, concentrating on printing and book-binding at the original plant, which had seen considerable additions. New premises were built in Broadway Avenue in 1920.

In 1904, Mr Herbert John Woodfield, purchased and built on a site in Cuba Street to extend his George Street livery business. This new venue wasn’t without problems. In January 1908, he was fined for driving 26 horses loosely along Cuba Street. Just two months later he was further charged with allowing nine horses to stray without guidance. These were the types of incidences you would expect to come to the attention of the Inspector of Public Nuisances. To find out more, read this Back Issues article by Margaret Tennant. By 1922 the livery had evolved into Woodfields Motor Garage. The garage moved to Beresford Street in 1928.

A bucket brigade started as Palmerston North’s first fire-fighters in 1883. In 1887, a volunteer fire brigade was formed and housed in a wooden building in Coleman Place. In 1888, a Fire Brigade Station, opened in Terrace End at 224 Main Street east. The Terrace End brigade ran until 1936.

Meanwhile the Coleman Place station remained until 1910 when the Central Fire Station opened in Cuba Street, next to the Woodfield Stables. The foundation stone had been laid in March of that year by Mr Edward John Armstrong, chairman of the Fire Board. By August the Fire Brigade was in possession of the building designed by Mr LG West and erected by Mr CW Blackbourn. Comprised of two storeys, the ground floor housed the enquiry office, engine room, horse stalls (until horses were superseded by motor engines in 1913), a kitchen and two bedrooms for single men. Upstairs was the superintendent and foreman’s quarters, as well as the married men’s quarters and a social hall. In 1914 tenders were invited for additions and alterations to the station.

By 1925, running out of space, a tender was accepted for a new fire station to be built in Cuba Street on a vacant section more-or-less opposite the end of Campbell Street. Messrs Trevor Bros., were the builders and Messrs LG West & Sons, the architects. The new Central Fire Station opened 19th July, 1926. Additions to the living quarters were made in 1938. It remained in Cuba Street until 1977 when a new station opened in Cook Street.

In 1940, the 28th Māori Battalion trained at the Palmerston North Showgrounds. In 1964, Te Rau O Te Aroha Māori Battalion Hall was opened at 138 Cuba Street, as a national memorial to the men of the 28th Māori Battalion who lost their lives in the Second World War. The hall became a Poppy Place in 2018.


The addresses on Cuba Street were renumbered in 1938. See p.79 to p.83 of the Rates Register of Street Numbers - Old and New.

Built Heritage Inventory

Back Issues:  'Blacking out' in a wartime city

Back Issues: 'Blacking out' in a wartime city

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. From 1941, lighting restrictions were put in place in Palmerston North and elsewhere. Under the Emergency Precautions Scheme, street lights, shops, factories, offices, vehicles and households were affected. The objective was to reduce the glow from populated areas which might be visible from sea and the air by enemy forces. By mid-1943, lighting restrictions for safety reasons were lifted beyond coastal zones. Street lighting restrictions continued for some time, due to electricity shortages and low coal stocks.

New Zealand
Back Issues:  The intrigue of 'Awapuni' and her wartime diary

Back Issues: The intrigue of 'Awapuni' and her wartime diary

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. Life story of newspaper reporter Nelle (Ellen) Margaret Scanlan. Using the pen name Awapuni, she wrote the weekly column "Palmerston Doings" from 1915 to 1921 in New Zealand Free Lance, a weekly pictorial newspaper. The column became a war diary and described the impact of the war locally. Nelle travelled overseas in 1921, where she continued to work as an international reporter and author. She returned to New Zealand permanently in 1949.

Back Issues:  Mock wars and stirring words at queen carnivals

Back Issues: Mock wars and stirring words at queen carnivals

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. Fundraising to support the war effort was extensive from the start of World War 1. From 1915, Queen carnivals were held. These fundraising extravaganzas were competitions held between towns and districts to raise the most money. The prize was a mock coronation of the winning team's queen candidate, usually held in the town hall. In 1918, the Manawatū Patriotic Society launched a make-believe war fundraising event. Mock armies organised war themed entertainment. It raised 30,000 pounds for Manawatū's sick and needy - over $7 million in today's money.

Macarther Family - Feilding

Macarther Family - Feilding

This family portrait is believed to be taken by G. W. Shailer, and depicts the Macarthur family of Broxt Cottage in Feilding.

From left to right the people in the photograph are:

  1. Mary Lilius Louise (Hannay) MACARTHUR (1857 Toronto - 1930 Mount Maunganui), arrived in NZ aged 10 with her Father James Montgomery HANNAY in 1866; settled in Takaka where she lived with and was educated by Mrs Tilbey the wife of the local Doctor who ran a Dames School; married at Takaka in 1875 aged 18 (with her Father's permission) to Douglas Hastings MACARTHUR (1839 Edinburgh - 1892 Feilding); re-married at Marton in 1898 to Hugh Lind SHERWILL (1845 India - 1902 Wellington) a land agent and another prominent figure in Feilding Society. This woman (the 2nd Mrs Sherwill) left Feilding about 1918 to accompany my Grandmother and her family when they settled at Mt Maunganui where she died in 1930.
  2. Alice (Macarthur) MYER (1876-1918) who married Frederick Pickering MYER (1874-1955) and had 4 children.
  3. Louisa (McEwen) HANNAY also known as Lucy STUART widow (1836 Edinburgh - 1911 Wellington), married (or re-married) in 1892 Sydney NSW to James Montgomery HANNAY (1832 Belfast - 1898 Palmerston North). Two children (Individuals 1 and 5 listed here). Louisa Hannay / Lucy Stuart was self supporting for most of her life (as a typesetter and matron of various charitable institutions). Capable of re-writing her history to suit the moment, details of her life will be published sometime in 2025 in the Journal of the NZ Genealogists Society "The Irishman's Proposition". The author, Catherine Clarke of Petone, is a direct descendant of Alice (Macarthur) MYER (Individual 2 listed here).
  4. Lily Louise Elizabeth (Macarthur) HALCOMBE (1878 Feilding -1964 Tauranga) married John Cuthbert HALCOMBE (1865 Collingwood - 1922 Tauranga) in Taranaki in 1900 and had 6 children. This woman was my Maternal Grandmother. Her husband was a nephew of Arthur William Follett HALCOMBE who established Feilding as a settlement. Both JC Halcombe and his wife Lily (Macarthur) Halcombe had a common stepfather in Hugh Lind SHERWILL who married two widows (Mrs Harry Halcombe in 1877 in Feilding and, after her death in 1892, Mrs Douglas Macarthur, in Marton in 1898) - a small world and a capacity for confusion for subsequent generations !
  5. Ida Stuart (Hannay) OWEN (1864 Cinncinnatti USA-1948 Feilding) married Frank OWEN (1848-1907) in Feilding in 1883 and lived in Sandliands Street thereafter. This couple had no children.
  6. Youngest child in front: Ida Maud (Macarthur) MORSHEAD (1879 Feilding - 1967 Somerset UK) married Herbert Edward Dillon MORSHEAD (1874-1915) in Feilding in 1901 and had three children. Sometime after 1918 Ida Maud Morshead and her three children re-located to the UK.
John McGrath, Manager of the Palmerston North Opera House

John McGrath, Manager of the Palmerston North Opera House

John McGrath was involved backstage at the Opera House for many years and was its manager from 1961-?. His musical career started in the late 1950s when he ran several dance bands in Palmerston North. He was one of the original members of the Palmerston North Musicians' Club.

Palmerston North
Back Issues: Cuba St key to city's early designs

Back Issues: Cuba St key to city's early designs

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. The story of Cuba Street and surrounding streets from Palmerston North's early days. The street was on the original Palmerston town plan. Its commercial heyday was arguably in the first half of the 20th century, when it was predicted that it could rival Te Marae o Hine/The Square in importance. However, this importance did not endure and Cuba Street is now mostly used as the main route leading to the Showgrounds.

Palmerston North
The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 10

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 10


p. 3 Editorial: Cushla Scrivens

p. 5 Flea-houses and picture palaces: cinema life before the Downtown multiplex / Pauline Knuckey

p. 14 Motorists: look before you peep: the fall and rise of Feilding's town clock / Simon Johnson

p. 22 How Palmerston North missed the tram / James Watson

p. 33 Bachelors' Balls / Marilyn Wightman

p. 40 More than meets the eye: costumes in the Manawatū / Heather Glasgow

p. 42 Our boys: Feilding's first contingent in the First World War / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 49 'Enthusiastic, talented people': fifty years of drama at Massey University / Lucy Marsden

p. 61 Akela Collins and the West End boys: a 1940s-1950s Palmerston North Cub pack / Helen Dollery

p. 69 The rise and fall of the Manawatu Sports Association 1894-1900 / Geoff Watson

Book reviews:-

p. 77 "Early medical practitioners in the Manawatu and Palmerston North" / reviewed by James Watson

p. 78 "Beyond the state: New Zealand state houses from modest to modern" - reviewed by David Chapple

Book notes:-

p. 79 "Palmerston North pioneer: John Richter: from Norway to New Zealand"

p. 79 "Scoundrels and scallywags"

p. 79 "Power: electrical supply to the Manawatu"

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 9

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 9


p. 3 Editorial / Cushla Scrivens

p. 5 Peanuts or beef? A walking challenge / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 11 Manawatū's First World War camps, 1914-1919 / Tim Shoebridge

p. 22 Heirs of Rochdale: the Manawatū Co-operative Society and its founders / Margaret Tate p. 30 An early Manawatū surveyor: Charles Adnam Mountfort / Marilyn Wightman

p. 35 'No imitations more exact and pleasing': wax flowers under glass / Fiona McKergow

p. 41 A sound investment: Sir James Prendergast and his Fitzherbert estate / Lucy Marsden

p. 48 Signs of the times part two: naming Feilding's streets 1879-1894 / Dorothy Pilkington p. 58 Samuel Jickell: an engineer for the future / Donald G. Irvine

p. 67 William & Collingwood, 'Servant of the Borough' / Dawn Isles

p. 74 Canvas adds comfort: tenting in early Manawatū / Lesley Courtney

p. 76 Palmerston North Heritage Trust Prize for Year 13 History for 2012: the Māori Battalion Memorial Centre / Nicholas Rowell.

Book review:-

p. 83 "Hokowhitu" by Garry O'Neill / reviewed by Cushla Scrivens

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 8

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 8


p. 3 Guest editorial / Margaret Tennant

p. 5 'Taonui School' joins in the Queen Victoria diamond jubilee celebrations / Jill White

p. 8 Smut, satire and hairy fairies: Massey University student capping revues / Lucy Marsden

p. 20 Following the leash coursing in the Manawatu 1882-1907 as seen through the press and public opinion / Richard Mildon

p. 29 Signs of the times: the naming of the streets of Feilding / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 39 Bolstered by wool: J. C. Young of Hodder & Tolley Ltd. / Gregor Yeates

p. 49 John Cotter Esq: a man of his time / Jill White

p. 59 Miss Harper and Miss Harper: two very different lives / Dorothy Pilkington

Book reviews:-

p. 75 "Bishop Monrad in Aotearoa" / reviewed by Margaret Tate

p. 77 "Playing on: a history of the Manawatu Youth Orchestra and Manawatu Sinfonia 1987-2011" / reviewed by Jenny Boyack

p. 78 "Te Hao Nui The Great Catch: Object Stories from Te Manawa" / reviewed by David Butts

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 7

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 7


p. 3 Editorial / Cushla Scrivens

p. 5 Girls, girls... Miss Victoria McKenzie at FAHS / Cushla Scrivens

p. 13 The Catholic Māori Church at Kai Iwi pā / Eljon Fitzgerald & Maureen Lawton

p. 22 Strippers, tubbers & scutchers: life and work in the Manawatū flax mills / Margaret Tate

p. 32 The houses of 'Concrete George' / Noelene R. Wevell

p. 39 Heart of the University: the Massey University library / Lucy Marsden

p. 50 'Everyone is the artificer of his own fortune': Falconer Larkworthy and the Carnarvon and Moutoa estates / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 61 A notable life, Grahame John Guy (1927-2010) / Brian Hunter

p. 68 Milk skimming stations of the Manawatū / H. H. (Bert) Hammond

p. 71 Protecting our history: the time capsule at the Palmerston Police Station / Ray Carter

Museum news:-

p. 74 Te Manawa: "Manawatū Journeys"

Book reviews:-

p. 76 "Plains' science: inventions, innovations and discoveries from the Manawatū -1" / reviewed by Jill White

p. 77 "Ulster enterprise and public service in New Zealand and Victoria, 1864-1920" / reviewed by James Watson

p. 78 "And all shall be well: the life of Bertha Zurcher" / reviewed by Dorothy Alexander

p. 80 "The Mather papers: Rangitikei Street" / reviewed by Cushla Scrivens

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 6

The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 6


p. 3 Editorial / Cushla Scrivens

p. 5 "Cleared to Land," early days of aviation in Palmerston North / Graham Parsons

p. 15 Design for living: the Savage Crescent conservation area / Margaret Tate

p. 25 Atawhai / Patricia Keiller

p. 35 Charles Louis Pemberton & the Pemberton village / Donald G. Irvine

p. 45 The city watchdog: Pat Kelliher, the man and his passions / Dorothy Pilkington

p. 54 Keith Westhead Thomson: weaving the strands / Lucy Marsden

p. 64 A life in photography / Ivan Mandahl as told to Betty Williamson (part two)

p. 70 Prophet not without honour: Guthrie Wilson of Palmerston North / Malcolm Prentis

p. 79 Teaching NCEA history / Dominic King

Local notes:-

Feilding & districts community archive / Marilyn Wightman

p. 82 Te Manawa / Steven Fox

p. 82 Update on the Bridle Track / Noelene R. Wevell

Book reviews:-

p. 83 "Entertaining the Manawatu: The Manawatu Savage Club's century of achievement" by Noel Watts / reviewed by Noelene R. Wevell

The Manawatu Journal of History contains articles on the history of the wider Manawatu area, written by a variety of contributors. The Journal is published annually. Conditions of use: This journal is made available for personal use, study and research and all articles remain copyrighted to their original authors. For permission to reuse or publish please contact: The Editor, Manawatu Journal Associates, PO Box 1702, Palmerston North 4440.

Back Issues: A pioneering town planner

Back Issues: A pioneering town planner

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. Life story of John Tiffin Stewart (1827-1913) town planner and government surveyor. He was responsible for the planning of Manawatū's towns in the 19th century, including the Palmerston North, Feilding, Rongotea and Halcombe town squares.

Born in Scotland, he moved to Foxton in 1864. He learnt to speak te reo Māori fluently and worked closely and respectfully with local iwi. In later years, he moved to Whanganui, where he was elected to the Borough Council.

Te Ara o Waihuri, Name

Te Ara o Waihuri, Name

Name: Te Ara o Waihuri

Suburb, Whakarongo

The street is named for Te Ara o Waihuri. December 2022.

The aerial map is a derivative of the Palmerston North City Council online mapping Geographic Information System (GIS).

The Matai, Moea and Te Panau whānau whakapapa to Te Ara o Waihuri, who had two wives.

Te Ara o Kawai, Name

Te Ara o Kawai, Name

Name: Te Ara o Kawai

Suburb, Whakarongo

The street is named for Te Ara o Kawai, the first wife of Korongawhenuai. December 2022.

The aerial map is a derivative of the Palmerston North City Council online mapping Geographic Information System (GIS).

Korongawhenuai is a direct descendant of Te Rangiwhakaewa. The Paewai and Nireaha whānau whakapapa to Korongawhenuai. His second wife, Ngene, was the younger sister of Kawai.

Korongawhenuai is featured at the heart of one of the significant battles with Ngāti Apa.

Pokerekere Crescent, Name

Pokerekere Crescent, Name

Name: Pokerekere

Suburb, Whakarongo

The crescent is named for Pokerekere, Whakarongo's first husband. December 2022.

The aerial map is a derivative of the Palmerston North City Council online mapping Geographic Information System (GIS).

To learn about Whakarongo, read this Back Issues article by Karla Karaitiana.

The following history is told by Ngaruma (Ruma) Karaitiana, Whakarongo’s great-great-grandson.

Pokerekere's parents were Ratoaiterangi and Kaiwari. His father, Ratoaiterangi, was the son of important tipuna, Parakiore.

Whakarongo married Pokerekere and they lived at Te Wii pā. The couple had a son, Manukatahi. Sadly, it was a short alliance as Pokerekere died young. Manukatahi also died in early adulthood, leaving behind a daughter called Ngatii.

Whakarongo then married Tukere and lived at Te Motu a Poutoa and the Ruahine kāinga where she had another two children, Te Paea and Wirihana Kaimokopuna.

Tukere Crescent, Name

Tukere Crescent, Name

Name: Tukere

Suburb, Whakarongo

The crescent is named for Tukere, Whakarongo's second husband. December 2022.

The aerial map is a derivative of the Palmerston North City Council online mapping Geographic Information System (GIS).

To learn about Whakarongo, read this Back Issues article by Karla Karaitiana.

The following history is told by Ngaruma (Ruma) Karaitiana, Whakarongo’s great-great-grandson.

After the death of her first husband, Pokerekere, Whakarongo married Tukere. The couple lived at Te Motu a Poutoa and the Ruahine kāinga. To learn about the Ruahine kāinga, read this Back Issues article by Karla Karaitiana. They had two children, Te Paea and Wirihana Kaimokopuna.

In the early 1820s, Whakarongo and a party, including Tukere, were returning to Manawatū from the battle at Te Horehore Pā in Takapau.

Most of the pā in Tamaki nui-ā-Rua had been abandoned and the people retreated to Te Ahu Tūranga. It was believed that Tukere had been badly injured at Te Horehore and was unable to travel any further, so they made a stand at Te Ruru on the Manawatū River near Kumeroa and Ngāwapūrua.

A taua of Ngāti Kahungunu, allied to Ngāti Whatua and led by Puhara and Te Hapuku of Te Amio-Whenua expedition, ran them down. It is understood that Whakarongo fought in both battles, Te Horehore and Te Ruru. Everyone in the group at Te Ruru were killed except a woman called Wiramina, and Whakarongo.

Due to her rank, moko kauae and demeanor, Whakarongo was captured and taken to Kaipara. There she married a chief of Te Uri-o-Hau branch of Ngāti Whatua and had another family.

When Te Hirawanui Kaimokopuna learned of Tukere's death and his sister's abduction, he took their children, Te Paea and Wirihana Kaimokopuna, as whāngai (to foster and nuture) and raised them as his own.

Back Issues:  From Easter bunny to Oma Rāpeti

Back Issues: From Easter bunny to Oma Rāpeti

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. Article about the history of rabbits in New Zealand. Rabbits have been popular pets for local children and are the subject of several children's books.

Back Issues: 100 years of Hokowhitu School

Back Issues: 100 years of Hokowhitu School

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. Article about Hokowhitu School, which opened 5 February 1924.

Palmerston North
Back Issues:  Constance Abraham. Remarkable leader, sportswoman and humanitarian

Back Issues: Constance Abraham. Remarkable leader, sportswoman and humanitarian

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. The life story of Constance Abraham (1864-1942). Mother of seven, community leader in Palmerston North and accomplished sportswoman.

Palmerston North
Back Issues:  The ascension of creative teaching

Back Issues: The ascension of creative teaching

Local historians weekly "Back Issues" article in the Manawatū Standard. The growth of teaching cultural activities and the arts in schools has a controversial history. From its earliest days, Palmerston North Teachers' College staff were recruited to teach a broader curriculum than just the recognised basics. Subjects included Māori studies, carving, pottery and modern dance.

Palmerston North
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