On July 21, 1919, King George V approved the award of a silk Union Flag to be presented to Territorial Force Battalions and Battalions serving overseas. Here the flags are being presented to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Battalions, Wellington Regiment, after consecration. The Colours (flags) were then laid up in All Saints Church.
An article published in the Evening Post, 26 April 1920 records that: "The colour-bearers received the colours from the Mayor (Mr. J. A. Nash, M.P.), and the parade moved off to All Saints' Church, where the consecration took place. The service was conducted by the Rev. Blackburn ... The colour-bearers were Lieutenants Guthrie, M.C. (1st Battalion), Brown, M.C. M.M. (2nd Battalion), and Stuart (3rd Battalion). On behalf of the officiers, n.c.o.'s, and men of the three battalions, Brigadier-General Hart (1st Battalion) and Colonels Cunningham (2nd Battalion), and Weston (3rd Battalion) handed the colours to the Church for custody."