Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

The showroom at McLeod and Svendsen, an electrical appliances store on the Square in Feilding. The business promoted itself as "Electrical engineers and contractors, agents for Hart Accuulator Co. Ltd, New Stock Torches, Torch Batteries and Bulbs" and "Specialists in radio apparatus." The building was sold to Leader and Watt in 1977.


Momo rauemi
circa 1925 to 1930
Tautuhi matihiko
Momo rauemi
B&W print

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

McLeod and Svendsen window dispaly
McLeod and Svendsen exterior at night
The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 14
Retails Stores along the North Side of The Square
Terrace End Colonial Produce Store
Stephens Brothers, Merchants
Postcard of the Square
H Christensen - General Storekeeper
Bruce McKenzie Bookseller during COVID-19 Pandemic
Palmerston North and District, New Zealand (White's Aviation Booklet)
L. G. West, Plan for Residence at Denbigh Street, Feilding
L. G. West, Plan for a Horse Emporium, Feilding

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

McLeod and Svendsen window dispaly
McLeod and Svendsen exterior at night
The Manawatū Journal of History: Issue 14
Retails Stores along the North Side of The Square
Terrace End Colonial Produce Store
Stephens Brothers, Merchants
Postcard of the Square
H Christensen - General Storekeeper
Bruce McKenzie Bookseller during COVID-19 Pandemic
Palmerston North and District, New Zealand (White's Aviation Booklet)
L. G. West, Plan for Residence at Denbigh Street, Feilding
L. G. West, Plan for a Horse Emporium, Feilding