Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

This photograph depicts two farm workers with large wagons and teams of horses who have stopped outside of a farm building.


Momo rauemi
Public Photograph Collection Poh74
circa 1900
E puritia ana ki

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Sawing Timber for Railway Sleepers Along Opawe Road, Pohangina Valley
Carting Railway Sleepers Along Opawe Road, Pohangina Valley
Hauling Timber
Christian Petersen Driving a Horsecart
R. R. Scott with his Wool Bales
Bush Felling in the Pohangina Valley
Horse-drawn Stage-Coach at the Centennial Procession
R. R. Scott Post Office and Store
Bullocks Hauling a Log onto A Wagon
Carting Sawn Timber from Wilson Brothers' Sawmill, Pohangina Valley
Transporting a Log by Tram Through the Bush at Waituna West
Transporting a Portable Steam Engine and Boiler to W H Foot's Sawmill

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
rural towns and life,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Sawing Timber for Railway Sleepers Along Opawe Road, Pohangina Valley
Carting Railway Sleepers Along Opawe Road, Pohangina Valley
Hauling Timber
Christian Petersen Driving a Horsecart
R. R. Scott with his Wool Bales
Bush Felling in the Pohangina Valley
Horse-drawn Stage-Coach at the Centennial Procession
R. R. Scott Post Office and Store
Bullocks Hauling a Log onto A Wagon
Carting Sawn Timber from Wilson Brothers' Sawmill, Pohangina Valley
Transporting a Log by Tram Through the Bush at Waituna West
Transporting a Portable Steam Engine and Boiler to W H Foot's Sawmill