Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

The men are identified as follows (from left) Standing - Rog Climo (?), unknown, Charlie Mills. Sitting - Jim Climo (?), unknown, Climo (?), Allan (?), Fred Eggers. This sawmill was owned by Jim Climo, with another Climo family member perhaps, and Charlie Eggers. It was situated on Steven Williamson's property on the terrace south of the Waituna Stream, a few hundred yards west of No 377 Main Road and south of the road junction at the settlement of Waituna West. The mill operated for about 2.5 years and cut out a large patch of bush on Williamson's property. Charlie Eggers then went to Raurimu and milled there.


Momo rauemi
Public Photograph Collection Ti 27
circa 1908
E puritia ana ki

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Employees of Climo and Eggers Sawmill, Waituna West
Employees of Climo and Eggers Sawmill, Waituna West
Carting a Log from Bush to Sawmill, Pohangina Valley
Felling a Rimu Tree at Waituna West
Bullocks Hauling a Log onto A Wagon
Carting Sawn Timber from Wilson Brothers' Sawmill, Pohangina Valley
Transporting a Log by Tram Through the Bush at Waituna West
Transporting a Log by Bullock Team Through the Bush at Waituna West
Wilson Brothers' Sawmill, Totara Reserve, Pohangina Valley
Hauling and Traming Logs to Albert Adsett's Sawmill, King Country
Traction Engine Cutting Timber
Winching Log, Foot Sawmill

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
rural towns and life,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Employees of Climo and Eggers Sawmill, Waituna West
Employees of Climo and Eggers Sawmill, Waituna West
Carting a Log from Bush to Sawmill, Pohangina Valley
Felling a Rimu Tree at Waituna West
Bullocks Hauling a Log onto A Wagon
Carting Sawn Timber from Wilson Brothers' Sawmill, Pohangina Valley
Transporting a Log by Tram Through the Bush at Waituna West
Transporting a Log by Bullock Team Through the Bush at Waituna West
Wilson Brothers' Sawmill, Totara Reserve, Pohangina Valley
Hauling and Traming Logs to Albert Adsett's Sawmill, King Country
Traction Engine Cutting Timber
Winching Log, Foot Sawmill