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W.W.S.A. Constitution document with a note on the document asking for it to be returned to Charlotte Warburton.


Object type
Multi-Page Document
C. E. Warburton Papers
Series 1 Folder 7
circa 1943
Digitisation ID
Held In
Community Archives

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Memorandum from the National Service Department Page 2 outlining the functions of women’s volunteer wartime organisations
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Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 2
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 5
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 4


women's war service auxiliary,
world war two,
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Memorandum from the National Service Department Page 2 outlining the functions of women’s volunteer wartime organisations
Women's War Service Auxiliary Memorandum No. 42 Page 2
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 2
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 5
Memorandum: Women's Royal Naval Service (New Zealand) conditions of service Page 4

C.E. Warburton
Please return



  1. The Organisation shall be called the “Women’s War
    Service Auxiliary”, referred to herein as “The Auxiliary”.

2. The Office of the Headquarters of the Auxiliary shall
be at 87 The Terrace, Wellington, C.1., or such other place
within the City of Wellington as the Dominion Executive may

50 copies {
3. The objects of the Organisation shall be:

(1) To fully co-ordinate the activities of Women’s Organisa-
tions throughout the Dominion so that the maximum
assistance can be extended to the nation and the
Government during the war period.

(2) To enrol and register women willing to undertake
National Service, and to allot them to whatever duties
may be found suitable and necessary.

(3) To advise and assist the Minister of National Service in
all matters concerning the efficient utilization of the
services of women in the prosecution of the Dominion’s
war effort.

(4) Generally to undertake and carry on the purposes of the
Auxiliary as set out herein.



  1. (i) The Auxiliary and its activities shall be administered
    subject to the control of the Minister of National Service.

(ii) Subject as aforesaid, there shall be appointed a
Dominion Council for the administration of the Auxiliary
the Headquarters of which shall be located in the City
of Wellington. Such Dominion Council shall consist of:

(a) Twelve members appointed at a meeting of the Women’s
organizations referred to in the Schedule hereto and

(b) Such number up to four members as the Hon. the
Minister of National Service may appoint.

Provided, however, that four of the Council members
shall be resident in Wellington.

(iii) There shall be appointed a President and Vice-President
of the Dominion Council.

(iv) Each representative of the Dominion Council shall have
one vote on the Council and the President or Vice
President shall have a casting as well as a deliberative
Vote. In the absence of the President or Vice President
the members of the Dominion Council present at any
meeting may elect one of their number to be Chairwoman
who shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote.
Members of the Dominion Council shall hold office for
such time as the Hon. the Minister of National Service
shall determine.

(v) One-half of the members of the Dominion Council shall
form a quorum.

(vi) Casual vacancies with respect to elected members of the
Council shall be filled by the Minister.


(i) The Dominion Central Executive shall consist of six
members, four of whom shall be appointed by the Dominion
Council from those members of the Council who are resid-
ent in Wellington, and two of whom shall be appointed by
the Minister of National Service. Members of the
Dominion Central Executive shall hold office for such
time as the Minister of National Service shall determine.

(ii) From these shall be appointed a chairwoman and vice
chairwoman of the Dominion Central Executive.

(iii) One half of the members of the Dominion Central Executive
shall form a quorum.

(iv) Casual vacancies with respect to elected members of the
Dominion Central Executive shall be filled by the
Minister on the recommendation by election of the
Dominion Council.

  1. The function of the Dominion Central Executive shall be:-

(i) To consider and determine minor matters of policy.

(ii) To arrange for liaison with the Department of National
Service for administrative purposes.

(iii) To arrange itineraries with regard to organising, and to
decide upon methods of carrying out the functions of the
Auxiliary in the various districts, and where necessary
to appoint conveners for the local Committees.

(iv) Generally to transact the business of the Auxiliary in
accordance with the policy of the Dominion Council.

The minutes of all meetings shall be forwarded to the
Members of the Dominion Council.

7. (i) There shall be appointed District Committees of the
Auxiliary with not more than twelve members as may be
determined by the Dominion Central Executive, in such
centres throughout the Dominion as the Dominion Central
Executive may from time to time determine to supervise and
undertake the work of the Auxiliary in the districts.

(ii) The District Committees shall be representative of such
Women’s Organisations in their respective districts as may
be approved by the Dominion Council.

(iii) There shall be appointed a chairwoman and vice-chair-
woman of such District Committees, and over half of the
members of any District Committee shall form a quorum.

(iv) The Dominion Central Executive may appoint one or more
persons to be Patroness or Patronesses in and for any

(v) Casual vacancies with respect to elected members of
District Committees shall be filled by the Dominion
Central Executive on the recommendation by election of
the District Committee concerned.

(vi) Members of District Committees shall hold office for
such time as the Minister shall determine.


7A. (i) Sub-centres may be established at such places within any
district as may be determined by the appropriate
District Committee subject to the approval of the
Dominion Central Executive.

(ii) The District Committee may in respect of any sub-centres
established within its district appoint a Committee of
such numbers as the District Committee may determine.

(iii) Any Committee appointed under the last preceding para-
graph shall hold office for such period as may be deter-
mined by the District Committee subject to any determin-
ation in that behalf that may be made by the Dominion
Council or the Minister.

(iv) Sub-centre Committees shall have such powers of a
District Committee as may, either generally or specially,
be determined by the appropriate district committee
subject to any determination that may be made in that
behalf by the Dominion Council or the Minister.


7B. Any member of the Dominion Council or the Dominion Central
Executive or of a District Committee who shall be absent from
three consecutive meetings of the Council, Executive or
Committee (as the case may be) shall cease to be a member of
such Council, Executive or Committee.
Absence from any meeting caused through the member being
engaged on the business of the Auxiliary shall not be deemed
to be absence from such meeting for the purposes of this


  1. Organising shall be under the control of the Dominion Central
    Executive which shall appoint such persons as it thinks fit to
    carry out such work and any person or persons so appointed
    shall perform such of the functions of the Auxiliary as may
    be prescribed by such Executive.


  1. There shall be appointed subject to the approval of the
    Minister a Secretary to the Auxiliary who, subject to the
    directions of the Dominion Central Executive, shall be respon-
    sible for keeping such records as may be deemed necessary by
    the Dominion Council.

10. (i) All funds shall be placed to the Account of the Auxiliary

at the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington.

(ii) All cheques shall be signed by the Secretary and counter-
signed by the Chairwoman or other member of the Dominion
Central Executive.

(iii) The President of the Dominion Council shall submit to the
Director of National Service at the end of each three-
monthly period commencing with the period ending 30th
September, 1940, a statement of account for the previous
three-monthly period.

(iv) All expenditure shall be subject to the control of the
Dominion Council under such conditions as the Minister
of National Service shall think fit.


  1. (i) All funds for District Committees shall be paid to the
    Committees’ Bank Account at a branch of the Bank of New

(ii) All cheques shall be signed by the Secretary and counter-
signed by the Chairwoman of the District Committee.

(iii) All expenditure shall be subject to the control of the
District Committee under such conditions as the Minister
of National Service thinks fit and a statement of account
of such expenditure shall be submitted to the Director
of National Service at the end of each quarter.


  1. Funds for the purposes of the Auxiliary may be raised by such
    methods as may be approved by the Dominion Central Executive.
    Any such funds shall be dealt with as may be required by any
    regulations promulgated in that behalf and which may be
    applicable thereto, or, in the absence of such regulations,
    as may be determined by the Dominion Central Executive subject
    to any directions in that behalf that may be given by the



  1. This Constitution may be amended by resolution of the Dominion
    Council approved by the Minister. This provision is without
    prejudice to the provisions of paragraph (i) of Section 4 of
    the Constitution.