Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

This image was taken for a story that ran in The Manawatu Evening Standard on 16 April, 1959. "Jaycee members are seen inspecting their paint job on the see-saws at Terrace End Park. This is the second children's play area that has been painted by the Jaycee and they intend to do all the children's public play areas in the city."


Momo rauemi
Manawatū Evening Standard Negative Collection
April 16, 1959
Momo rauemi
B&W negative

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Langley Reserve cosed due to COVID-19 lockdown
Milverton Park
Photorama - April 1963
Jaycee City Spring Clean
"Winner of Major Prize in Mystery Envelopes"
"Large Bonfire at Victoria Park"
"Jaycee Lime for Gardens"
"Hive of Industry at Refuse Tip"
"Lime Project by Jaycees"
"Cheerful Welcome To Palmerston North"
"Wood Project by Jaycees" Firewood Delivered to Pensioners
Their Curiosity Aroused' [Children and Woman at Wishing Well]

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
terrace end,
terrace end park,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Langley Reserve cosed due to COVID-19 lockdown
Milverton Park
Photorama - April 1963
Jaycee City Spring Clean
"Winner of Major Prize in Mystery Envelopes"
"Large Bonfire at Victoria Park"
"Jaycee Lime for Gardens"
"Hive of Industry at Refuse Tip"
"Lime Project by Jaycees"
"Cheerful Welcome To Palmerston North"
"Wood Project by Jaycees" Firewood Delivered to Pensioners
Their Curiosity Aroused' [Children and Woman at Wishing Well]