Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

This image was taken for a story that ran in The Manawatu Evening Standard on 24 October, 1959. "The North Island motor rally was held today. The cars and drivers after their arrival in Palmerston North, were put through various tests. The above photograph shows a contestant braking at the conclusion of his course."


Momo rauemi
Manawatū Evening Standard Negative Collection
October 1959
Momo rauemi
B&W negative

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

"Manawatu Car Club Gymkhana"
"Scenes After Today's Deluges"
"Cars Collide at Intersection"
"Cars Serve as Grandstands"
"Road Congestion at Ohakea" Air Display
"Driver in Hospital After Collision"
"Faulty Lights or Did Someone Stall"
"Water Laps Shop Doorways" Coleman Place
"Arrival of Teenage Idol" [Johnny Devlin]
"The Testing Strip" Manawatu Car Club Rally in Square
Rangitikei Street and The Square Insection
Te Marae o Hine / The Square

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
manawatū evening standard,
motor rally,
sports car,
the square,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

"Manawatu Car Club Gymkhana"
"Scenes After Today's Deluges"
"Cars Collide at Intersection"
"Cars Serve as Grandstands"
"Road Congestion at Ohakea" Air Display
"Driver in Hospital After Collision"
"Faulty Lights or Did Someone Stall"
"Water Laps Shop Doorways" Coleman Place
"Arrival of Teenage Idol" [Johnny Devlin]
"The Testing Strip" Manawatu Car Club Rally in Square
Rangitikei Street and The Square Insection
Te Marae o Hine / The Square