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This image was taken for a story that ran in The Manawatu Evening Standard on 1st December 1965 "This smiling group of young men advise thousands of progressive farmers on how to get the best from their land. Farm advisers from all parts of New Zealand - and Chile - they are gathered at Massey University for a four-day course. They have already heard lectures from Farm Improvement Club officers, and are dividing into three groups to concentrate on sheep, dairy and mixed farming problems, said chairman of the conference, Mr. Ian Eva, of the Manawatu Farm Improvement Club: "Our study is of general aspects of farm improvement work, with special consideration of the land-labour-capital relationship, allied with farmers' needs." The five Chileans attending the conference are also farm advisers in their own country, Mr. Pancho Aquirre explained their work as "farm advisers combined with State Advances representatives. We recommend loans from Government and other sources and check on the application of loan money from the World Bank."


Object type
Manawatū Evening Standard Negative Collection
November 30, 1965
Digitisation ID
B&W negative
Held In

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