Peke atu ki ngā rauemi
  • Co-Op shop, Corner of Vogel and Hayden Streets
  • Unidentified Co-Op shop (2)

This Co-op dairy was situated on the corner of Hayden and Vogel Street (8 Hayden Street). As can be seen in the images, the shop fronted onto Vogel Street, with a house attached at the back, fronting onto Hayden Street. At the time there were a large number of co-op shops that served the suburban areas of Palmerston North. It continued to operate until about the mid 1980s.

The building was believed to have been demolished by the Samoan Assembly of God (AOG), who subsequently built on the site. The church is first listed at 8 Hayden Street in the telephone directories in 1989 and continues to operate from there to this day (2023).

This image is part of a set of images held by Palmerston North architect, Acton Wylde-Browne, so was probably one he designed. The photographer is from Wellington.


Momo rauemi
Momo rauemi
B&W print

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

The Longburn Store
Bus stop
Businesses in The Square
Pikes Furniture store
Kelly Printing and Office Supplies
Rangitikei Street
Rangitikei Street
The Square between Rangitikei Street and Coleman Place
Father Christmases preparing to distribute presents to children on Christmas Day, Rangitikei Street
A. E Mann's Bootshop
Father Christmases preparing to distribute presents to children on Christmas Day, Rangitikei Street
Postcard of the Square

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

The Longburn Store
Bus stop
Businesses in The Square
Pikes Furniture store
Kelly Printing and Office Supplies
Rangitikei Street
Rangitikei Street
The Square between Rangitikei Street and Coleman Place
Father Christmases preparing to distribute presents to children on Christmas Day, Rangitikei Street
A. E Mann's Bootshop
Father Christmases preparing to distribute presents to children on Christmas Day, Rangitikei Street
Postcard of the Square