Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

The United Friendly Societies Board of Management in 1979.

Back row: D Horman; H C Freeman (Trustee); F Rose; E S Freemam; R Eyre (Secretary)

Front row: F Manning (Trustee); A B MacMillan (President); W Potbury (Treasurer).


Momo rauemi
IMCA Digital Archive
Momo rauemi
Colour print

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

"Now Becoming A Common Sight" [State Insurance Building]
UFSD Building
From Coleman Place to Broadway Avenue, The Square
Jaycee Market Day
Letter of congratulations to Palmerston North Garrison Band
Manawatū Kilwinning Lodge No. 47, Church Street
The First Officers of the Bunnythorpe Lodge
Aqaba Bar and Restaurant
Evan Robinson
Masonic Temple 1721 E.C., 186 Broadway
Masonic Lodge members, Palmerston North
Freemasons Lodge, 42 Broadway

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
friendly society,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

"Now Becoming A Common Sight" [State Insurance Building]
UFSD Building
From Coleman Place to Broadway Avenue, The Square
Jaycee Market Day
Letter of congratulations to Palmerston North Garrison Band
Manawatū Kilwinning Lodge No. 47, Church Street
The First Officers of the Bunnythorpe Lodge
Aqaba Bar and Restaurant
Evan Robinson
Masonic Temple 1721 E.C., 186 Broadway
Masonic Lodge members, Palmerston North
Freemasons Lodge, 42 Broadway